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Do you think sunflowers are dorky?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoIs this bad?
Is it bad that I don’t ever text my best friend forever anymore? We are both females by the way and she has become a lot busier so that’s why I don’t text her first anymore but she does still text me to check on me
1 AnswerFriends2 weeks agoIs there anything wrong with this ?
Is there something wrong with me not reaching out to my BFF anymore because I know she’s busier now? She still texts me though to check on me
Friends2 weeks agoWhat does this mean?
What does it mean when your best friend tells you that you’re important to them?
6 AnswersFriends3 weeks agoHow do I be a good best friend?
I am a 29 year old female and I have a best friend that is quite a bit older then me and I don’t really talk to her much like I used to because I know she’s busy with taking care of her family and with working and I just stay at home. She still texts me though to check on me but I don’t really with her anymore. This might sound weird but how can I change this and make our friendship better? Because it is important to me and her. I have just always struggled socially with having friends
1 AnswerFriends4 weeks agoQuestion about a movie ?
Have you ever heard of the movie “Nancy”? If so have you ever seen it? And what do you think about it? I saw it and I thought it was weird
Movies1 month agoNeed help with this please?
How do I handle having friends when family is more important? I am a 29 year old and I have struggled socially my whole life pretty much. I don’t really talk to anyone much except for my family. I do have a best friend but I really don’t talk to her much but she does talk to me to check on me and I do text back and I also hardly ever hang out with anyone
1 AnswerFriends1 month agoNeed help with this ?
How can I have friends when family is most important? Like I don’t know how to have them. I am a 29 year old female and I have always struggled socially. This goes back to when I was like 3 I do have one good friend who says she is not going anywhere. We have been friends for almost 5 years and she really accepts me for who I am but even I have problems with our friendship because of struggling socially still and I also overthink too much
Friends1 month agoWhat does this mean?
What does it mean to have boundaries in a friendship? And also how do you have them? Because I have been struggling with this a little bit for years and I’m a 29 year old female. Ever since I was a little girl I have struggled socially
Friends2 months agoWhat does this mean ?
What does it mean when a person is your friend only when it’s convenient for them?
3 AnswersFriends2 months agoNeed help with this ?
Do you think driving or having a job defines you as a person?
5 AnswersFamily2 months agoNeed help with this ?
I know I have asked this already but I am a 29 year old female and when I was born I had a lot of problems and my mom said that she doesn’t know if she will ever let me drive by myself so I don’t drive or have a job and I still live with my parents. My uncle started dating a woman 2 years ago
and I go with them every Wednesday night for supper and I have been before she came into the picture and she just about every time always brings up that I don’t have a job and that I don’t drive and even that I don’t have much of a life and I have kinda talked with her about this and she told me that she likes me for who I am and that she does not look down on me about this. My uncle always comes to get me and brings me to his house and she’s already there but yet she always takes me home after. She is a nice person but she is just very blunt so how do I not take this personally when I am by myself? I do act ok when I’m around her though
3 AnswersFamily2 months agoNeed help with this ?
Should you care about your best friend or family? How do you have a balance? I have just one good friend that’s also my best friend but it’s like I really don’t know how to care about her exactly
Friends2 months agoNeed help with this?
Which lifetime movies are your favorites? Mine are “the wrong wedding planner”
the neighbor in the window”, and a teacher’s obsession
Movies2 months agoNeed help with this ?
Why do some parents abuse their kids? I know this is random but I’m just wondering. Why are some people so mean anyway?
5 AnswersFamily2 months agoNeed help with this ?
I am a 29 year old female and I don’t drive, still live with my parents and I don’t have a job. I have been feeling a lot for really the longest time that I don’t want to be around anybody because I have not felt like that I fit in with anybody because of the way that I live but I just go places anyway some. I am a little bit delayed because I was so small at birth and I also had some brain trauma. Should I really be feeling this way? I just hope I can put myself more out there and I did used to work in the past but the first job I had I was traumatized because of a bad supervisor
3 AnswersPsychology2 months agoQuestion about nail polish ?
Are you familiar with cupcake polish? Because I got the garnet color and it’s not garnet instead it’s a purple color so why do they call it garnet? Because garnet is red
Fashion & Accessories2 months agoNeed help with this ?
Can a person be friends with someone but they don’t ever talk to each other because they are both busy?
7 AnswersFriends2 months agoNeed help with this please ?
Is it hard for some people to like themselves if they never drive? I am in the same situation. I have practiced quite a bit over the years but most of the time I get irritated when I have practiced or I cry. Is this normal?
4 AnswersCar Audio2 months ago