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Favourite answers10%

i am 22 years old and a workaholic... lol i am going to school ... i am very independent and work very hard for my money.. i also have 2 tattoos and my lip is pierced... i have 2 cats which are the apples of my eye..i am a pre-med student and i have worked in a hospital for 5 years. i am with the love of my life.. married 09/12/09 also... Lucas Edward Mink was born 2/23/10 @ 9:37pm..

  • starting pumping for milk storage.?

    my son is 2 wks old and i need to start pumping for when he goes to my MIL's when i am at work. i tried pumping yesterday and i was pumping for an hour and only got 1.5 oz out of each breast. this is a little discouraging. i was just wondering how long it took some people to get a good milk supply?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever ate a lot before they gave birth?

    i was just wondering. my appetite has really changed the past couple of days. i noticed that i am eating a lot more. has anyone else experienced this? i am 37.6wks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever backed out of an epidural?

    i know it sounds crazy.. but i have planned on having an epidural this whole entire time i have been pregnant, but i have began to think that its probably not the best thing for me. i am 37.4wks pregnant with my first.

    has anyone ever changed their minds? either way from being all gun ho about the natural birth to getting an epidural or being all gun ho about the epidural and ended up going natural..

    thank you in advance!

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can a doctor legally appoint power of attorney to a family member?

    my grandfather's dementia is really bad now. my grandmother has dementia as well. they are both in their early 80's. they did not sit down when they were in their right minds and set a specific person as a POA. now that they are worse can the doctor legally appoint someone medical power of attorney? i thought that since there is more than one child that they have to consult both children? am i wrong?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • when did you start packing the bag to go to the hospital?

    i am almost 31wks and i was just wondering when people started packing their bags?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 29wks pregnant.. and sick......?

    so i have called my doctors office 5 times in the past two days with them not returning my call. i have been running a low grade fever and i am congested. i have been taking Tylenol for my fever but i do not know what to take for my cough or if i can use Vick's vapor rub. i am miserable..does anyone know what i can take other than Tylenol? i have been sick for 3 and i am sick of it.

    thank you

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • blood clots in legs while pregnant...?

    has anyone experienced blood clots in their legs when they were pregnant? i am just wondering how they would feel and look so i can tell if i should ever get one.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • update: i had my 20wk ultrasound today and guess what..?

    ITS A BOY!!!!! and he's healthy!!!! we are both excited.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is considered carry on luggage?

    i am flying on thursday. i am only going to be gone a weekend. so i wanted to put my clothes in like a duffel bag and carry it on. I am flying with delta and i know there restrictions is the 45inches thing.. but i am not going to measure my duffel bag lol. so could i do a backpack or a duffel bag and carry it on?


    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • If a pregnant mother has an "feeling" about her baby's sex..?

    is she normally right? how many of you out there just had a feeling you were having a boy or a girl and that is what the sex of the baby turned out to be?

    im just curious. :)

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • baby's heart rate question..?

    again just out of curiosity..

    There is an old wives tale that if the heart rate is above 140 you are having a girl.. if the heart rate is below 140 its a boy..

    i am just wondering.. was this true for anyone?? today my baby's heart rate was 155 :) i haven't found out what the baby is yet..

    thank you in advance

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • when did you first feel your baby move?

    well this is out of curiosity..

    when did you first feel your baby move?? i am 17.4wks and i have been feeling the babe for about a couple of weeks now!! its the most amazing thing ever!!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnancy and clothes?

    so.. i am overweight and my jeans are getting tighter. i am 8.4wks today and its worse after i eat to the point that i have to unbutton my jeans. so i was wondering how many overweight moms had to get maternity clothes in early pregnancy? and should i consider getting some. i have the tummy sleeve from my friend i have not used it yet.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • a really stupid question lol..?

    okay so i haven't been getting sick that much with this pregnancy. but right after i ate breakfast i took my prenatal vitamin because that's the only way i can take them with out making me nauseous. but after i did that i immediately threw up and i don't know if i threw up my vitamin or not. i couldn't really see. lol

    my question is what have you done in a situation like this? should i take another one or just eat really really healthy today?

    thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever dreamnt of your baby's sex and it came true?

    i had a dream last night that i was having a baby boy..there is no way of knowing the sex of my baby right now.. i am 7 weeks.. lol

    i was just wondering if anyone has ever had that happen to them and it turned out to be true.. i am just curious.. :)

    thanks in advance

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnancy and constrictive clothing...?

    i was wondering when i should start being concerned with how tight my clothes are.. basically when can it start hurting the baby if it can at all.. i am 6wks and most of my jeans are tight. i just don't want anything to happen to my little bean.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • for your first pregnancy which would or did you have?

    my doctor today told me that i could either have a mid wife or her follow me through my pregnancy and the delivery. this is my first baby and i was just wondering what the good things are about midwives vs a actual physician taking care of me and the birthing process.

    thank you in advance :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever had this happen to them before?

    so i went to the doctor today to get start my depo shot. since i havent started my period they gave me a pregnancy test. it came back slightly pink. so they ordered a blood test i get the results tomorrow.

    i was just wondering if anyone has ever experianced this and it turned out not being pregnant or was it postitive.

    thank you in advance.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago