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  • 34 weeks pregnant is this normal?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant and for the past half hour have been having slight cramping that come and go every five or six Min's. I tried calling my doctor but they were out to lunch so i am waiting for them to call me back. The pain is in my lower stomach. Is this normal? I also just started having some pain in my lower back

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 33 weeks pregnant with some pain?

    I am 33 weeks pregnant and the past two days i have had some really bad lower back pain, the pain has moved to my sides and i have this weird like pressure in my stomach i did have some light cramps this morning. I did call my doctor just waiting for them to call me back. Is this something i should be worried about what could be wrong? Up to this point my back would hurt a little every know and then but nothing like this. I also have gestational diabetes. Any help as to what coule be wrong would be great thanks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to adjust a dog to a baby?

    I have a four year old 1/4 great dane 1/4 lab and 1/2 bull massive. Well in june i will be having my first child. She is great with kids but doesn't do with loud noises and doesn't like when they scream. She has never gone after anybody so i am not to worried but she does get stressed when they scream and walk towards her. How can i adjust her to all this before the baby comes? I dont wont her to be stressed or upset and hid all the time cause she hates the noises they make. Any help would be great thanks

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation with your dog?

    Yesterday my husbands dog went after my cousin. Thank go she wasn't hurt. The problem we are facing is what should we do. He has never gone after anyone before and she was just sitting on the couch when it happened next to my husband. I am five months pregnant and so scared he may go after the baby. We are deciding on trying to training him to get use to baby or putting him down. Would some kind of training work or would it be best to just put the dog down. I don't won't to have to do that but i can't take the chance he would go after the baby. This is the hardest thing we have to decided on and could really use some adivce thanks

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 19 weeks and five days pregnant and i hurt my ribs what can i do?

    So the other day i was cleaning my car off when i slipped and hit my side on my car after that my ribs were sore. Well last night i sneezed and my ribs made this popping noise, and they hurt so bad i cant move without wanting to cry. I tried calling my doctor but they are closed today. So what can i do for the pain. Should i go to the er or just till tomorrow when i can call my doctor? Everyone keeps telling me they wont be able to do anything since i am pregnant

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it really to early for me to be showing?

    I am 15 and half weeks along and i am already showing people keep telling me that its to early for me to be showing. Is this true also its my first child. I was about 120 pounds when i got pregnant

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you start to show?

    I am seven and half weeks pregnant my husband says it looks like i am starting to show. I mean yes my pants are getting a little tight but i feel like i am more bloated then anything. When did you start to show and is it to eary for me to be showing. This is my first pregnancy. I am 5'2 and was about 135 when i got pregnant.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What could be wrong seven and half weeks pregnant?

    Ok so i am seven and half weeks pregnant well this morning after i went to the bathroom i noticed i had a little bit of light pink discharge. I have no cramping or anything i called my doctor and they said it wasn't something to worry about. But everyone i have talked to said that's its not normal. Should i be worried or just listen to the doctor and not worry about it? I do have a prenatal visit next week and i will again ask them about it. What could it have been and has anyone else had this?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this normal or should i be worried?

    I found out two weeks ago that i am pregnant well i have my first doctor appointment on November 4. Last night when i went to the bathroom i noticed on the toilet paper a little light pink spot. I have not cramping and feel as sick as ever. My husband is very worried should i be worried to we figure i am about five or six weeks along. I will try and call my doctor today but they don't open till 10.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this normal when pregnant?

    I found out last week that i was pregnant i am not sure how far along i am the doctor thinks maybe a month or less. I have my first appointment november 4. Well i have been having some slight cramping and was wondering is this normal or should i be worried? I have not noticed any bleeding. Also is there anything i can do for morning sickness i have been so nausea and it last all day. Thanks

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to care for our painted turtle?

    Our friends dog attacked out turtle yesterday and did some real damage. The shell around his head is almost gone and he has two pieces hanging off on the bottom of his stomach. We have no vets around here that know how to care for them so we are stuck. He is moving just fine and eating so that is good but how can we clean the wounds so they don't ge infected? Right know we have his heat lamp on him at all times also the only water we have is a little dish for him to sit in and drink out of as we heard injured turtle can drown. We took all the rocks and plants out of his tank so they don't get in bedded in his wounds. Any help would be great.

    I will tell you how this happened also so you get a idea. Our landlord was bombing our apartment for fleas as the one next to use is infested with them so i tool out turtle to our friends house so he would be there when he bombed. Well my friend had him on his kitchen table in a small tank. While my friend was showering her dog got on the table and took our turtle right of the tank. My friend caught her dog chewing on our turtle she though he was dead. She put him in the tank till we got there where we found he was alive just very injured. Please help what can we do to help our turtle.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What kind of glue is safe to use on a windshield?

    My review mirror feel off and i need to glue it back on what kind of glue is safe to use. I was told super glue and crazy glue is not a good one to use. So what is safe to use?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it true there are certain things you should eat and not eat when trying to conceive?

    I found out i was pregnant and then last week i had a miscarriage. Well people tell me its because of my diet. I eat pretty healthy drink lots of water. Well i was told you cant eat lunch meat or any kind of fish is this true. What can you eat and not when trying to conceive and when you are pregnant?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How does this make any sense is my doctor wrong?

    So i went to the doctors yesterday for a pregnancy test. I am a week and half late on my period and have been trying to get pregnant. The test came back negative. But then my doctor goes to say the test could be wrong and it may be to soon to test and that i should take a home test in a week. He then goes to say i could be pregnant and i may miscarry. What the he** is he talking about. He said it normal for women to miscarry when first trying to get pregnant and the test may not show you are when in fact you are. My blood pressure was also a little high 142 over i cant remember that number sorry. He didn't seemed worried bout that. My husband is so worried bout me. I am so confused should i go and see another doctor or is my doctor right. Just don't understand how the test was negative and then he goes to says i could miscarry at any day. Can someone please explain this to me? Thanks

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am confused as to why the pregnancy test keep coming back negative?

    So my husband and i have been having unprotected sex this whole month. The last week or so i have been more tired then usually and lot my cranky i have been craving ice cream like none stop and have been peeing a lot to. My mom seems to think i could be pregnant also have been spotting to. My period is three days late which is not normal for me i took like three test and they all say negative. I am i taking the test to soon or could something else be going on. I am also using the first response test.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What could be wrong with me?

    So the last week or two i have been feeling kind of sick. I have been nausea, way more tired then usual, also have been getting bad heartburn and burping like none stop. My husband and i have been having unprotected sex. Due for my period some time next week. I took a pregnancy test and it was neg. So what could be wrong with me.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What could be going on please need some advice?

    So for the last two weeks my husband and i have been having unprotected sex. We would love to have a baby. Well the last couple of days i have a lot more tired then usual. Peeing like every ten mins my appetite has changed been craving foods and i am always hungry. Also have been getting a lot of headaches and i am always nausea. Could i be pregnant i don't get my period till the 19 so is it to early to take a test or could something else be going on.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it to early to start showing signs i might be pregnant?

    Ok so this past week i have been starving no stop very unusual for me. Peeing alot tired and craving foods. All of last week my husband and i had unprotected sex. Isn't it to early to be showing any type of signs i could be pregnant or could it be something else called my doctor but she is on vacation.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What could be wrong been feeling weird?

    So lately i have been feeling nausea and i am always hungry which is not like me. I have been peeing a lot more to. Also have been craving raspberry ice cream with chocolate. My husband had me take a pregnancy test last night but it was negative. My period on july 26 and we did have unprotected sex so. Could i be pregnant and the test is just not showing it cause it to early or could something else be wrong. I plan on calling my doctor on Monday she was on vacation this week

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Really need help to lose ten pounds?

    I really need to loose at least ten pounds. What is a good diet plan i having been eating lots of fruit and drinking lots of water. As for working out i go to the gym maybe twice a week for a hour that is the only time i have to spare right know. Any help would help a diet and workout plan would be great thanks

    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago