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Favourite answers16%
  • Could you give me a playlist...?

    ...of songs that are more of the relaxing, reflective style, with a couple fun ones? i need some new music : )

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • what songs are like this song?

    i would like a playlist of songs that are of the same style and mood of "come away with me" by norah jones... any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • where is the usb port on mac?!?

    i am on my friends mac desktop, and i cannot find the usb port anywhere (my friend is not home). i dont want to mess anything up though, where is it? i already looked at the back were everything is hooked, and no port.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • want to gain muscle...?

    i am 5'4 and about 102 pounds, and when i looked at my BMI it said i was way too skinny, but i want to gain muscle anyways so hoping to put weight on with that. What foods should I be eating to help in this?What shouldnt I eat? When should I eat in relationship to my workouts?

    and .... any other tips? thanks.

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • my bmi is low but...?

    I am 15, 5'4 and weight about 103 lbs. My BMI is 17.7, with 18.5 supposed to be underweight. I dont feel like I'm underweight though, I feel just fine. Should I worry at all? try to gain weight? I am healthy and very picky about junk food. Should I start lifting weights???

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • why might i be getting dizzy?

    when i stand up alot of times, the room fades to black, or when i am sitting down i think i might pass out. what could be the medical reasons for this, and what should i do? (apart from consulting a doctor) . I'm 15

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what is the population of virtual slaves in india?

    ive looked everywhere and cant find a number. And im not talking about cheap laborers, but virtual slaves where they are beaten if they try to leave.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • british bands?

    what are some good british bands i can listen to? my favorite is coldplay, are there any other bands that have the same style, sound?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • any tips or encouragement?

    im 15, about 5'4 and probably 110 pounds. i know ive got a good weight , but i used to be about ten pounds heavier (and a couple inches shorter) which made me very stalky so i was always motivated to exercise alot and watch what i ate and not eat too much. but now, i dont feel too motivated i just think "oh whatever, i'll exercise later" or "i'll just not eat sweets tomorrow" but i think its starting to show on my body, and i keep remembering how i felt last year when i was so chunky. That enough has motivated me to start exercising more regularly, but , i just want to get back into the swing of things since i havent for a while, so what should i do? also, the weather is really rainy here and probably will be rainy until february... so indoor exercises .

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • toning, losing weight, how to?

    i am 15 and about 5'4 1/2, i weigh like, 115 lbs. i know its a good weight and everything but with my body type it sets really heavily on my waist and i hve a pouch, love handles, and a THICK WAIST. I eat healthy, but is there anything else i should do as far as food? i also go running, probably 3 times a week for about a half hour and i do some other exercises. What other exercises can i do? .. yeah i also have a big butt... and thick calves. any help is appreciated.

    38 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how do you find out who is looking at your myspace?

    like w.out additional signing up for trackers, i mean isnt there supposed to be some sort of link in the home page that goes to like a list of whos viewed your page?

    4 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • about piano.....?

    so yesterday some of my guy friends invited me to their jam session and for a while i played the drums then the bass but there are already several people that play these, but no one plays piano. so i've played piano for quite a while, but pretty much just painful memorizing songs and stuff like that. my mom plays and has been teaching this class on theory that i go to, but could you please give me tips on how to learn to play freelance, like rock stuff. when we all play its SO intense and i want to be able to just let loose but i cant on the piano!!!!

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • do you know the name of this song? and artist?

    the intro is at least a minute long with guitar then the lyrics,

    " so, so you think you can tell, heaven from hell? blue sky from pain, can you tell a green field from a ,, some thing something not sure of the words..... do you think you can tell? did they get you to trade, your heroes for ghosts..... "

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • tell me about red hot chili peppers.. ?

    i'm curious so im looking them up. dont tell me your opinion about them just tell me facts, like the names of the band members, different things they've done, meanings to different songs, how many albums, ect ect and interesting facts too please, anything you think is cool that you know about them

    9 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • about blondes... ?

    so it seems that now adays everyone is looking at the darkhaired mysterious girls, brunette, black , red headed girls and that blondes are totally shallow and dumb and not attractive anymore or something, but where does that leave the blondes? is that fair to us? i know beautiful girls with blonde, brunette, black and red hair. i think that blondes are stereotyped. does that mean that my blonde hair will drive guys away now since they only want dark haired girls???? i mean im not going to dye my hair just because of that. or for any reason at all, i like it.

    12 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • motivation??

    lately i've been very very overwhelmed by a really hard school schedule and i havent played piano in a few months, but i really want to get better, so how can i motivate myself to practice? whenever i try i just get overwhelmed because i feel like i havent improved in a few years....

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago