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Lv 1237 points


Favourite answers67%
  • What is the order that the various .hack series should be read/watched/played through?

    I am looking to find both a chronological order and a release date order for the various .hack// media outlets (manga, anime, and games). What is the recommended way to go about getting the full experience from the .hack// world, chronologically or based on release dates?

    A list of what I should go about doing and in what order would be awesome, but I'll even take a link to a site that tells me how to go about beginning the series. Thanks.

    TL;DR: Need a reading/watching/playing order for the entire .hack world, not sure if chronological is better than release date order.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Baby mouse is severely sick!?

    I just got a baby mouse and he can't be much more than 2 weeks old or so and the first few days he did fine but today he is very ill. He is breathing hard and all stretched out on his tummy. He keeps twitching/convulseing and started pooping out bright green poop. He is very unresponsive, wont stand up but kind of crawls around. He isn't eating but drank a bit earlier but wont now. He lays stationary a lot and then twitches...

    Does anyone have any ideas or know whats wrong with him?

    Please help.

    4 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • Rat litter available?

    I'm looking for a litter of Dwarf or dumbo rats (either are fine, together would be even better) in Washington in the seattle area. Other colors I'm interested in are siamese and the classic hooded with quality markings.

    Just wondering if anyone had any or knew of a breeder that does. Either now or closer to christmas.

    1 AnswerRodents10 years ago
  • I know that my rat is sick but I don't know what with...?

    My rat Arya is very sick and I know it. She came down with it very fast, before I could even realize that something was really wrong. I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow but the vets in my area aren't very familiar with rats so I want to gather as much information on what this could possibly be before I go in. I've looked all over but I can't seem to find anything that isn't Myco, upper respiratory, bumble foot or tumors and she doesn't fit any of these. I have 6 other rats and have never had this happen before and none of them have caught this from her so I have no idea what this is. Please someone help before its too late!


    Fluffed up all the time.


    Stiff gait

    Unusual sleep patterns


    squeaks when picked up (this just started today)

    still eating but noticeably less

    drinking normally

    spends most of her time curled in a ball

    She just seems sad and not herself...I just hope it's not too late.

    2 AnswersRodents10 years ago