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Is this right or fair ??
As a security guard I work 7.30 pm to 4.00 am. After 11.00 pm their is no restroom access. I addressed the issue with my co worker we decided to buy ourselves camping portable toilet.
We sent an e mail to our supervisor who is getting a key made for a room that is empty and never used so we can store the toilet.
My issue is I just wanted myself and the one co worker to use it. She claims boss stated everyone will have access and able to use it. I do not believe that is right because our company is not paying for it my coworker and I are. I did not want everyone to know about it. I do not want the issue of someone misplacing the key, breaking the toilet, not cleaning up after each usage therefore we would lose room access. I really did not want to share this toilet with possibly who knows how many people. I am now reculant to purchase it unless others help with the purchase too.
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 months agoVehicle with good traction in heavy rain and mud ??
I will be starting a new security job in Seattle Washington at a construction site. I was informed to have a vehicle with good traction because of heavy rain and lots of mud formation. I prefer a two passenger pickup truck.
7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 months agoWhere do some people get this notion the government can subsidized or give $600 weekly unemployment boost indefinitely ?
Between continue paying all the politicians, military, social security, disability, retirement, Medicare, medical, EBT, section 8 , WIC, free government phones, welfare, etc. Their is not an endless supply of money. Then I hear oh the government in Canada, Australia, England all taking care of their citizens. Which might be true but 45 million compared to 300 million is a huge difference.
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 months agoSuggestions for my folding chair ??
The table portion lacks really any kind of support. Seems like a can or bottle or soda is ok but anymore than that it gives away collapses. Sitting in the chair also because the seat material is not very thick literally can fell the metal bars after away back and legs get sore. What can I do to add support to the table portion and make the chair it's self more comfortable to sit in.
2 AnswersSan Diego9 months agoIf I rent a porta potty for my job site is it tax deductible ?
I am security guard, unfortunately the job site I am currently working at does not have a restroom facilities after 11.00 pm. I have let it be known to my superiors but has fallen upon deaf ears. I will rent one is the only solution I can come up with. I am just wondering since I'm paying the expense of the rental can I take off my taxes.
6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 months agoSo whose name should my wife and I moan when having sex ?
My name is Carroll male her name is Carol female. We both feel weird saying each other name when having sex.
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 months agoFired from Securitas for defending myself and bring sued ?
I was a Securitas security guard. I attempted to ask a male transient under a cardboard box to leave. He got up wanted to make excuses, use foul language. I stood 15 feet from him. I he came toward me running. I took the company assigned flashlight and knocked him down. Securitas states I was wrong so therefore fired. The transient no idea where he got the money but has a lawyer now to sue me. Property management is being slow as releasing the video surveillance tapes of what happened.
1 AnswerCorporations9 months agoLooks like I have high cholesterol, to much salt and diabetes what can I do to get it in control and better shape ?
I know no more fast food, no popcorn, chips, bread, candy, soda. All the stuff I like. Getting old sucks oh well beats being dead before 50. I know to walk more, drink more water.
3 AnswersDiabetes11 months agois $30.00 a week plus $5.00 delivery fair for 12 pound box of organic vegatables ?
Trying to eat healthier I am just trying to see if that is a fair price. Or I could do non organic which is $24.99 plus the delivery fee.
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink11 months agoWill using a Brita filter cup in the bathroom sink work ?
I am a security card and I work at homeowners association. I had bought a 24 pack of bottle of water and put it in the guard shack but somebody had drink at least half of them which I noticed when came into work the next day. The only access I have is to a clubhouse with a bathroom sink. I take public transportation so no car. Buying bottled water everyday is expensive. I do carry a bottle with me that I can fill up with water machine. The issue is half the time to water machine is out of order. I have heard and read drinking tap water from the bathroom can be dangerous because of lead, can actually get small amounts of others medicine they poured down the sink or flushed. I figured a Brita filter cup won't eliminate everything but will make the water may be somewhat drinkable.
1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks11 months agoStar Trek fans can you explain how Spock's mother is still alive in the next generation ?
Spock's mother and father alive in original series. approximately 75 to 80 years passed between the original series and the next generation. I can understand Spock and his dad being alive. I don't understand how his mother could be alive if she's human she should be long dead and gone. Yes I know it's a TV show and I know it's fictitious but I just wanted an answer.
4 AnswersOther - Television11 months agowhenever I yawn I get a weird sensation in my arms ?
Not sure how to explain it. Feels like someone is pulling on them, they tremble a little.
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management11 months agoDo any United States of America phone carriers support the phone with 4g or LTE ??!?
I was gifted a Moto one action but it is the international version. Metro in the place where 4 should be located is just H.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans11 months agowhen buying 4k tv does screen size matter ?
I will be sitting 6 to 8 feet away. I am looking at 50, 55, 60 and 65 inch screen. With everything being equal: the same manufacturer, operating system, display technology I am no tv expert besides size. Would not the content on 55 inch look the same on 65 inch. pardon my ignorance as I am learning. Matter of fact I would think a smaller screen would be better quality I would think better screen might some picture quality of noticable or not is another matter.
2 AnswersTVs11 months agoAre their and free government phones that use AT&T or Verizon towers ?
I ask because Sprint and T Mobile leave a lot to be desired.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans11 months agoIf I pay a credit card that is off in collections will it make the credit report start all over again for another 7 years ?
Let's say I have a Walmart credit card and it's in collections for $4,000. It has been on my credit report for a two and a half years. if I pay the full amount off will it drop off in the original time four and a half years or will it start back over again at 7 years.
5 AnswersCredit11 months agoif a governor is in charge of a state and the mayor is in charge of the city who's in charge of the county ?
For example I live in San Diego, California our Governor is Gavin newsom he's in charge of the whole state. Our mayor for the city of San Diego is Kevin Faulkner. So then San Diego county which is all the different cities of San Diego who is in charge ?
4 AnswersSan Diego11 months agocan my 4k tv upscale antenna channels live over the air free antenna channels ??
I ask because if it is upscaled it doesn't look too impressive. I understand it is upscaled 480p or 720p content maybe 1080i at best.
2 AnswersTVs11 months agoSpoilers ahead. Why didn't Palatine in rise of Skywalker??
Just suck out all of Ben's and Rey's life forces that would make more sense.
2 AnswersMovies11 months ago