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I am a medical technologist by training and an analytical chemist by profession. I aspire to one day go to med school. I like big dogs and dog drool, they go hand in hand. Ok I lied about the drool but its a part of my life I must deal with. I live just north of Boston, MA and travel to the city for work at a small pharma co.
What is the best home theater system for under $1000?
My home theater system is about 10 years old and its time to move on. I have the blu-ray and a nice big LED tv but now I need a great surround sound to finish off the ensemble. What is the best system for movies and sports that is still under about a grand? Thanks!
1 AnswerHome Theater9 years agoHow do I get a pay raise?
So I just found out a junior member of my department makes a lot more money than I do. I have been with the compnay almost 4 years and I am the only one qualified to do "his job" and I have been doing it for about 2 years now. "He" joined the department almost a year ago and though technically senior to me in billet, still has yet to take over any of the resposibilities he was hired for. Meanwhile, I am single handedly doing 90% of the technical work. Should I just quit? I went to my boss about 6 months ago and told him I expected to get the title and pay for the job I was doing but the issue has since gone dead.
1 AnswerCorporations9 years agoIs it necessary to have a professionally written resume?
I'm job hunting and I don't get any call backs for interviews. Is it my resume? Most of the stuff I read says you have to show that you're a go getter but I really feel the positions I'm applying for require more of a "this is what I can do for you" kind of description. I'm a lab jockey and that's what I bring to the table. I'm not going to be "increasing revenues by 40%" nor should I be expected to. Thanks.
2 AnswersTechnology10 years agoWhy, if My Diablo 2 paladin has maxed out holy shield does it not give any extra defense?
I am playing single player campaign and I believe my character was cursed by one of the succubus type creatures in the ice caves during act V. The holy shield was working and then it doesn't. It will activate but nothing beneficial happens. If I was cursed then how do i break/remove the curse? Yes Pete, I know I'm a geek. Thanks!
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat are the best running shoes for a heavier runner?
I am 34, have a slightly bad knee that has yet to be checked and I weigh a bit over 250 lbs. I want a good shoe for cushioning as well as minor stability. I don't do excessive distance, usually less than 3 miles but my knee can act up at times. (it swells for a few days) Not looking for medical advice just shoes please. Thanks.
4 AnswersRunning1 decade agoBiochemistry- show the three steps involved in the production of L-arginine from L-glutamate?
This is a biochem question. We need to show the steps in the mechanism. Thanks
2 AnswersChemistry1 decade agoWhat does "C:\WINDOWS\system32\" mean?
So I'm not the most computer savvy guy there is and the IT guy at work recommended I download spybot as an antispyware. So I do and I run it and I delete all the things it told me to and now when I start up my system I get a black window with this printed at the top that alternates (very fast) with another that is an identical script except the last is cmd.exe. The two windows keep popping up continuously for a few minutes and then stop on their own. What is this and how do I get rid of it. My model is older. HP pentium 4 and I have XP. Thanks
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoWhat is an average salary for a dog groomer in NH area?
Just curious. I commute far now to work for a decent wage and am wondering if the pay cut would be worth the time/gas saved. I have 3 Pekingese of my own that I currently groom myself and have considered a career change. Thanks.
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIf Im selling my property at a loss, what happens with the remaining debt?
If there is $15000 remaining, do I just still keep paying my mortgage company or do I need to pay off the full balance with say a second loan to make up difference? Our condo dropped about $50G since we bought it 4 years ago and we need to sell but can't wait any longer for market to rebound. We lost our whole cash down payment and at this point are just trying to minimize our losses. We don't want to rent it. Thanks
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIs water wet or is it just the thing that makes other things wet?
If water itself is the very thing that makes other things wet, can it be wet? If you add water to something, you make it wet by definition. If then you add water to water have you made it wetter? I argue that water is not wet because of this reason. Is dirt dirty?
7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhy is Jackson Pollack's art so valuable?
I admit I know next to nothing about fine art but I can appreciate the beauty of the Sistine Chapel or the Mona Lisa. I could never do that no matter how much training I had but I do however feel I could make a Jackson Pollack mess. Enlighten me.
9 AnswersPainting1 decade agoDoes cross breeding eliminate/tend to lessen genetic problems that are inherent to either parent breed?
This is just to satisfy my own curiosity; I am not nor do I intend on being a breeder at anytime in the near future. Does one need to try to eliminate the bad trait or does this take care of itself with the mixed genetics; i.e. two hip dysplasia prone breeds being less likely of having dysplasia prone puppies by the mere fact that they aren't of the same breed? I'm just trying to wrap my head around the whole hybrid breed scenario because in my opinion isn't every breed known today (with the exception of the various pariah dog breeds) just a hybrid if you look back far enough?
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoCan I use you as a reference?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHow could He-Man be THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE UNIVERSE?...?
when he labored at performing tasks that seemed simple to Superman? When I was a young whipper snapper, before your time, there was a line of toys called He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. You may be familiar but it was basically a Conan the Barbarian rip off. Well, even as a young child I wondered, "How could He-Man be THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE UNIVERSE when he labored in performing tasks that seemed simple to Superman?" One of the things He-Man would routinely do is simultaneously pick up two large rocks (not even boulders really) and throw them at his arch-nemesis (is it redundant to say Arch-nemesis?) Skeletor (the evil lord of destruction) and his henchmen. We're talking maybe a ton worth of rocks here and that's generous. The most physically impressive thing I ever remember He-Man doing was lifting Castle Grayskull over his head in a military press but he had to call on the mystical power of the sorceress to augment his strength to accomplish this. Anyone remember Superman military pressing a tectonic plate to reverse an earthquake? Or how about flying a continent into orbit while drained of his power from Kryptonite?
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoDoes the new 360 dashboard upgrade make your games goes in slo mo and/or freeze?
I downloaded it last night and the game (Fable 1) was running sluggish. I played for a few hours and then the game froze completely and I had to shut down. Could it be because its an original title?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoMy cat is a biter, how can I make him stop?
My cat has bitten my girlfriend and broken the skin. We're not going to give him up or put him down, just looking or advice on how to stop it. He is 3 and we've had him since he was a kitten. He bit her once before a long time ago but sometimes when he's being handled he will try to bite if he doesn't want to be. Otherwise he is a really good cat.
7 AnswersCats1 decade agoSummer rash.?
Every year in the late spring/early summer I get a very itchy rash all over my torso. My previous health care provider (n.p.) told me it was fungal related because I sweat excessively and to try and keep it dry. This is almost impossible and not very effective. My current doc can't see me/it for another month. Should I just go to a dermo instead of waiting a month to have him send me there or should I wait? Any home remedies? Hot showers aggrevate the condition so all summer long its cold showers.
Skin Conditions1 decade agoHow can yogurt and frozen yogurt contain the same bacterial cultures and both say live and active?
When I took microbiology I learned that bacteria live a very specific temperature ranges and can not tolderate temperature extremes well. So how can the cultures in yogurt and frozen yogurt remain live and active at the temperature differences between your fridge and freezer and the lumen of your intestine?
5 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago