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Lv 7371,091 points


Favourite answers90%

if i'm to be described in 3 words, it's music, math, meditation, in random order ! i'm not a mathematician, but i try to help where i can and an interesting q is a bonus. in order to help the maximum number of people, i tend to go straight to the point without beating around the bush so as to make my ans as succinct as possible without sacrificing lucidity. in any case, i don't think spoonfeeding helps ! if brevity occasionally prevails over lucidity, mail ! ¹ ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ∑ ∫ δ ε ω μ σ α ß Ω ¢ £ ≡ ≤ ≥ ≠ ∞ ÷ ∩ ~ ≈ ± √ π r ² λ θ • ° ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

  • Alternative to scrolling to the end ?

    I have been a member for 8 years or so.

    If I wish to see my old answers, I have to scroll endlessly.

    Is there any way (some computer trick) of going to the end directly ?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers5 years ago
  • Challenging combinatorics question?

    There are 7 pairs of socks colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. (There is no left - right distinction). You pick them up at night in the dark randomly, and tie them up in pairs. In the morning you find that strangely, all 7 pairs are mismatched in color. How many ways are there for such a strange thing to happen ?

    3 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Difficult combinatorics question?

    Suppose 9 chairs, 3 each red, blue and green, INDISTINGUISHABLE EXCEPT FOR COLOR are arranged in an unnumbered circle. How many distinct arrangements (i.e. rotations of an arrangement not counted) will be there ?

    Normally, for distinct objects in an unnumbered circle, the formula is n!/n or (n-1)! but for indistinct objects it becomes quite complex. See the answer for an easier problem in the link to understand why.

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Short form of URL for Yahoo Answers?

    In order to retrieve a question/answer from Yahoo Answers, is there a short form of the URL ?

    If so, can you please give an example of the short form ?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • My Followed Questions in Yahoo Answers?

    I can't scroll down beyond the first page, and complaints haven't helped.

    My Followed Questions are obviously important to me, and I would be very grateful if someone could suggest some means of getting around this glitch.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Endless glitches in YA?

    For more than a week, I am finding that

    (a) I can see only one page of questions (Maths), [ so what you can't see, you can't answer !]

    (b) None of my Saved Searches are showing any questions [ so that blocks another avenue to search questions ! ]

    (c) I am also restricted to seeing only 1 page of my Followed questions, which obviously are special to me.

    Are they trying to kill the goose that is not laying golden eggs or is the demolition squad taking rest before making further "improvements" ?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Voice therapy for bad voice?

    I am a singer who has been diagnosed with bilateral sulcus vocalis II.

    I would be grateful if a knowledgeable person would advise as to which type of voice therapy would be best for this condition.

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • ENT examination trauma?

    I had started tiring after 1/2-1 hour of singing, so went to consult an ENT specialist, who told me I had bilateral singer's nodules. 1 week later, he said 1 of them had shrunk, and another 2 weeks later, he said that both of them had shrunk.

    Here I want to mention that the examination procedure was to depress my tongue, and ask me to say EE very loudly, which was quite traumatic, especially on the 3rd examination which an assistant conducted.

    When even 3 months of voice rest etc,instead of improving it became worse because previously I used to tire on singing but could speak endlessly, now speaking 3 minutes on the phone makes my voice hoarse.

    So i went to another doc who examined me in a less traumatic way through the nose, and said I have SULCUS VOCALIS (some part of the vocal cords peeled off)

    My question is: Could the 3 traumatic initial examinations have precipitated the damage to the vocal cords ?

    I would be very grateful for an informed answer.

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • Card hand probability?

    Ms X and 3 other players are dealt 5 cards each from a standard pack.

    We know that Ms X has got exactly 1 ace.

    What is the probability that none of the 3 others have got more aces than Ms X ?

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Non-matching cards probability?

    In a card game, two players each start with half of a shuffled standard deck. Each player alternately turns up the top card of their pile.

    What is the probability that the players will turn over 4 cards ( 2 each) without a match ?

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Three way football tournament probability?

    Football teams A,B and C are evenly matched. Initially A and B play a game, and the winner then plays C. This continues, with the winner always playing the waiting team, until one team has won

    two games in a row. That team is then declared champion.

    What is the probability that A is the champion ?

    5 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Medicine for chronic laryngitis?

    I am having chronic laryngitis due to excessive singing (no allergy or infection). Apart from rest, steaming, home remedies like honey etc, is there a MEDICINE that could help.

    I would be very grateful for any information on this.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Turmeric powder deposited on throat and vocal cords?

    I was told to diectly put turmeric powder down the throat, and swallow, to cure a sore throat.

    I did this some 10 days, but while the sore throat became better, I found it harder and harder to hit the high notes, and some days later, my voice became hoarse, and remains hoarse.

    Could this be due to turmeric powder clogging my throat as a paste, and when dry, migrating to the vocal cords, making them sluggish ?

    If so, what should I now do to clean up the throat and vocal cords?

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • I am told that dairy products are bad for singing as they coat the vocal cords, making them sluggish.?

    My question is: there are two routes from the throat : one to the stomach and the other to the lungs, and the vocal cords are on the path to the lungs, so how can what you eat or drink get to the vocal cords ?

    I would be very grateful for an informed answer, I am suffering a lot recovering from nodules on the vocal cords (vocal folds, to be more precise)

    Thank you in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Weekend Speed-Time Puzzle 2?

    Car A begins to drive from the town to the airport at 9.00 am at x km/hr

    Car B begins to drive from the airport to the town at 9.17 am at y km/hr

    After they pass each other, car A takes 10 minutes to reach the airport, while car B takes 20 minutes to reach the town.

    the question is: At what time do the cars pass each other ?



    This isn't a difficult problem, BA will be given to the SIMPLEST correct solution.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Weekend Probability Puzzle 1?

    9 coloured cards are placed face down (ie colour hidden). All we know is that they include all 7 rainbow colours, a random rainbow colour repeated, and a black card (order of cards unknown).

    You can uncover card by card in any order you want. If you can uncover the unknown coloured pair of cards before the black one, you win.

    What is the strategy you will adopt, and what is the probability that you will win ?

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Would you bet on this lottery puzzle?

    (a) There is a 49/6 lottery that is offering even odds (ie 1:1 or 2 for 1) for betting that at least 2 of the 6 randomly chosen #s from 49 will be consecutive.

    Is it advisable for you to bet ?

    (b) If the system is changed so that 49 & 1 are also deemed to be consecutive, would your decision change ?

    (c) What is your expected value for a $1000 bet on (a) and (b)

    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • wisdom tooth root canal?

    I understand that the wisdom tooth isn't used for chewing & is redundant.

    So if i get root canal treatment done, is it necessary to get a crown fitted, as for other teeth ?

    Wouldn't it be an unnecessary procedure, since no pressure is going to be put on the tooth ?

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Weighing on my mind puzzle?

    There are 5 coins, each with a slightly different weight (differences unknown).

    You have a 2 pan balance scale, and no weights (ie you can only compare weights).

    In just 7 weighings, arrange the coins in order of weight.

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • drunk passenger probability variant?

    An aeroplane with 100 seats has passengers lined up in order, for boarding from seat #1 to #100. However, the first passenger is drunk, and will take any of the seats at random. All other passengers will take their own seat if it is vacant, or else take another seat at random.

    What is the probability that the 50th passenger will get seat #50 ?

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago