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  • Can I connect a 64 bit Win 7 home machine to an office network?

    Basically, I need to know how to hook up my new computer to my office network. All other systems run XP 32 bit, but the new one runs Win 7 64 bit. Is this even possible? If so, how do I go about doing it? If not, what should I do???

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Will she come back? (Preferably girls only answer)?

    The gist: GF just came up to college (she is a year behind me), the week she got up here, she said she wanted to take a break... We have been dating on and off for ~2 years, I have known her for 10+. I am crazily in love with her, and cant imagine letting go. So I was wondering if any other girls have experienced this 'new college scene' rush and if you guys think she will come back... Haha thanks in advanced!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there such thing as an "automatic nut driver"?

    I need to know if there is such a tool as an automatic nut driver (you know the hex things that screw onto bolts) I am thinking something along the lines of a screwdriver that can drive nuts instead. Please let me know if there is such a thing (a link would be nice...)

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago