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Favourite answers3%
  • need recommendation on laptops?

    noob asking help from experts..!! i want to buy a laptop and this is my first time so, you can see my noobnesssssssss in this matter.

    these are the specs that i want

    -good processor

    -lightweight.easy for me to carry it around

    -good battery life

    -what's important most is GREAT BUILT IN QUALITY

    -price would be below rm3000

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • lee hong gu_the archer?

    do you know him>>he is an archer.he participated in the kl 9th FESPIC games in malaysia on 2006.

    2 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • please translate these korean words into english?

    안녕! 나의 이름은 비이다. 당신이 인 경우에 나의 팬은 나의 팬 클럽에게 다만 결합한다. 연락하십시오. 당신을 감사하십시오!"

    6 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • Teenager's roles in society is being under estimated?

    is that really true n why???

    4 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • teenager's roles in society is being under estimated?

    is that really true n do u really feel that way??i need to know..

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • i just need something to cheer me up?

    well...i am a high school leaver(i used to be in a boarding school n that makes me used to the presence of my friends all the time) n now that everything has changed,it kinda make me feel a bit lonely here in my house without my friends.sure,my family is great.but thats totally different.they have their own social much different from n works......while i am stuck in the house.not that i dont wanna make friends here but how??i cant just go out and say'hi.can i be ur friend??'that is so weird...n one more thing that really bug me,im not used to this place.i mean,i've been staying in a boarding school which is so far away from my home n that makes this place foreign to what should i do to just cheer me up???im bored with watching tv and surfing the internet all day long(plus,doing the housechores).i just cant get myself fully occupied all day(alone in the house with no one to talk to)..i feel that ive lost the life that i once had with my friends in the boarding school

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what is cute for u?

    what makes a person really cute..

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • to all musics expert..hlp plz?

    i want to download music video to my computer but i dont which web offered it..hlp...

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • does it matter physically when it comes to love?

    well iwant to know does it matters that the person is not physically atrractive.if it doesnt,then what matter most?????

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • im bored with studying?

    i juz dun know wat is wrong supposed to have the spirit of studying more and play less as this year im going to sit for a major examination.not to mention that the exam is the very indicator whether ill have the chance to enter a university or juz too seems like i lost hope in getting straight a's in my exam.but,im not really that ready to face the outcome of being a mom will be so upset of me.and for sure will blamed me.........................................................................................HELP ME!!!! I CANT TALK TO MY MOM BOUT THIS.what makes it actually worse is that im now in a boarding school separated from my family for thousands of miles away.i really need someone to help me..

    8 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • does anyone know bi rain's first and secondalbum title??

    i know about his latest album rains life and eternal rain but i dont have any idea on where i can get his single hits bad boy and its raining...hlp plz..just tell me what is the title of the album

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • need ur help<plz read>?

    OK REALLY NEED HELP!!my sister who is 14 is really testing my temper.ever since she got her own cellphone and went to a boarding school she got this very annoying attitude towards me,i dont want to make things worse so i just distance myself from her.but she keeps treating me like i am a useless person.when i ask her something she always make that know all face.and that really is the last straw.i feel like giving her a spank so that she knows how to respect me.yeah well,maybe that will gimme the bad gurl other sisters seem to give her support more.i also went to a boarding school and only got to meet my family once a year.i guess that is one of da reason why i feel so isolated by my own family.i always cried and i dont know whom i can trust.everyone seems to think that i am the bad gurl.i dont want them to know how i feel because it will only make me look helpless in front of them.thats why i never told anyone about this.even my mom.wat can i do???

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • i have a more please>>>?

    im getting so confused with my friend's behaviour.she was okay at first but then she started avoiding me and hanged out with someone else.she did not say anything to me and it seems like we never knew each other at all.she laughed and talked with other people as usual<maybe i can say that she was a bit overreacted> however,im a total stranger to her.and now,she is talking to me back again like nothing ever happened at all.she still hangs out with that other annoys me a lot that she doesnt want to tell me whats her problem.for the past 3 years we've been friends,this is the 3rd time she has done the same thing to me.i want to ask her whats her problem with me but im afraid that i'll make things worse as now that we started being friends again.i am so confused.can i trust her to be a loyal friend??is it a right thing to do if i give her another chance for us to be friends again??i like her but im afraid she will do the same thing again to me. me out

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • i need an answer!!?

    how do we know that someone is sincere to us.i mean,in friendship and maybe by offering us some comfort.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • please help me!!!?

    im in yahoo chat and it really bother me that my real name appear on the screen instead of my nickname.whats wrong anyway??

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • hi!how do we know that someone had already answered our question in this comunity??

    i dont know how to check.please help.tq.

    7 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • what is that u like the best in your couple?

    r u really sincere with ur partner or is it just 4 fun??how do we know the best quality in a person????????????

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago