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  • Suspicious activity in a forest preserve?

    Please tell me what I’m seeing or if I’m nervous for no reason.

    I live in Northern Illinois. I love to go hiking with my dog at a local forest preserve. It is large enough that I could walk for three hours and still wouldn’t have covered all the trails and is mainly wooded forest with some swamps/mashes.

    Anyway, there is a smaller trail that branches off from the main path. I have walked in that path many times, but have always had to turn back because of time. Well I went further last week. We nearly reached the top of a hill, and I began to hear clucking, which I thought was very strange considering I was in the middle of a forest preserve. My dog was starting to get anxious. At the top of the hill I could see the source of the noise. A fenced in area with several white tents in it. I could not see inside the tents and did not see any chickens, but the clucking was very loud at this point- clearly chickens inside the tents. A large white Shepard dog was calmly walking around inside the fenced in area.

    The whole situation freaked me out. I’m not sure what it was or what was going on in there. I searched the website of the city that overlooks the forest and nowhere did it say anything about a farm or chickens. I live in an area where I am just far away enough from Chicago that there are farms around me, but it didn’t look like a farm. It was eerie and strange. It made me not want to return there.

    Anyone know what it could be? What should I do?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation3 years ago
  • How often should I bleach the litter box if my kitten has worms?

    My new kitten ended up having roundworms. He’s on panacur and pyrantel. I know it’s really important to keep the box clean at all times to prevent the spread of worm eggs. Just wondering exactly how often I should be completely emptying, washing and bleaching the box? Doing it everyday goes through way too much litter, but I’ll do it if I have to.

    3 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Foster dog got into a fight with my resident dog?

    So we have a rough collie. She is 7 years old and 100 lbs. she is not that overweight, she's just huge. 7 weeks ago, we took in a foster dog and she gave birth to nine puppies, who are now six and a half weeks old. She is a small staffy, about 50 lbs. The shelter told us she is really good with other dogs and that has been true. Of course there have been the two second long scuffles over a favorite toy or a bone, but no biting and they get along really well otherwise.

    Today was different. There was a pig hoof laying in the yard. Both dogs went for it at the same time and ended up getting into a fight for about 15 seconds. Pretty sure my collie dog started it, but when they finally stopped, she had three tiny bite marks on her nose and one near her eye that were bleeding a little. The foster dog was not injured. The wounds stopped bleeding seconds later.

    So question is, how do we clean and treat my dogs wounds? They are not severe enough to require veterinary care. Also, if anyone has had this happen before, do you think it is just a one time thing, or should I permanently separate them? The foster is only here for another week or two, but I'm still worried and a bit confused.

    Do not tell me to go to a vet. Do Not be a troll. Do not tell me that if I'm not willing to take my dog to the vet, I shouldn't have her. I CAN take her to the vet, it's just uneccessary. Thanks

    5 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Mother dog still protective/aggressive even after puppies are weaned?

    Before my foster dog, an amstaff, gave birth, she was very friendly towards everyone and any dog she met. She gave birth six weeks ago. She understandably had maternal aggression towards large men and other dogs. But now the pups are six weeks and weaned. She has so much energy at night and barks and keeps us awake. I want to take her in walks, but anytime she sees another dog, she growls and tries to back out of her collar, at which point I, terrified of her escaping and attacking the other dog, grab her by the collar and slowly walk her home. She hasn't been on a walk in a week. When does she get rid of this aggression? I read that mother dogs stop being aggressive around 3 weeks after birth. She needs to get rid of energy somehow and playing in the yard just doesn't do it.

    2 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Opossum in a tree in my backyard?

    I heard my two dogs going crazy barking outside and running around a willow tree in my backyard. I went to go check and I found a small opossum sleeping in the tree. I searched what to do and most said that the best solution is to leave it alone. My only concern is that the opossum is sitting in a lower part of the tree where if my dogs stand up, their noses can touch. They also bark obsessively nonstop at the creature whenever I let them outside. The opossum has been there since morning. I don't want the dogs to get bit or scratched nor do I want them annoying the hell out of the neighbors every time they need to be let out to do their business. How can I get rid of the opossum and make sure it doesn't come back without harming it? I live in a large neighborhood and this is the first time I've seen a opossum so I'm not quite sure what to do.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets4 years ago
  • How would Na2S look like in water at the molecular level?

    I have to draw what Na2S would look like in water.

    I have the equation H2S (aq) +2NaOH (aq) ---> 2H2O (l) + Na2S (aq)

    I know that H2S is a weak base and would have some single ions and some that are still bonded because it does not dissociate completely. 2NaOH is a strong acid, so it is all separate ions because it dissociates completely.

    But what about salts like Na2S? I believe that they would all be single ions (separate Na and S) but i'm not completely sure.

    Thank you in advance. No trolls please.

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • Two week old kitten not peeing despite stimulation?

    I am fostering two two-week old kittens. They had a URI, so their mother abandoned them and we are tube feeding them due to their weakness and resistance to bottle-feed. Until about a day ago, mom was stimulating them to pee and poo, but now I have taken over the job. One kitten is peeing and pooping normally, but the other kitten won't pee or poo and I can feel her bladder, which is full. I have used a warm paper towel to stimulate her but no results. Why isn't she peeing and what can I do to help?

    1 AnswerCats4 years ago
  • 2 day old kitten with a poop problem?

    We are fostering a cat who had kittens yesterday, March 31, 2017, and there are four healthy babies.(Don't worry, they are all being spayed when the babies are older) They are all doing well except one of them has a back end that is caked in poop. His tail is also covered.

    I figured momma would clean him up but I've been checking all day and she hasn't done anything. I don't want the kitten to get a rash or lose his fur because his back end is covered in feces. So I tried wiping it off with a rag, but that ended up stimulating him to poop more and it just created more of a problem. Plus, the poop is dried and rock hard so it is difficult to simply wipe it off.

    What should I do? Do you think momma will take care of it or should I interfere and try to clean him up myself?

    Please no hate. Just trying to save these kittens and their mom.

    1 AnswerCats4 years ago
  • How to stop dandruff on my dog?

    I have a rough collie. She has a lot of fur and the second layer is very thick. When I spread her hair apart and , I always find dandruff and dead skin cells at the root of her fur. I find it hard to imagine that is comfortable for her. We brush her all the time and when we take her to the groomer, they get the dandruff out, but it just comes back within a month. I want to know how to stop this from happening originally or maybe it is just natural? I don't know. I just want to make sure she is comfortable.

    Pls no hateful or troll comments. Thx.

    1 AnswerDogs4 years ago
  • Giving kittens distemper?

    I have been fostering kittens for a few years. The shelter gives me the distemper vaccinations and I alway administer it in the skin above the shoulder blades, as I have been taught. I just gave two young kittens their vaccinations, but when I pushed the syringe in for one of them, a tiny bit of the vaccine dropped out of another place in the skin. I quickly took the syringe out and administered the rest of it as normal. I want to know what happened? Did the tip of the needle exit another place and I didn't notice? How do I prevent this?

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Fostering license?

    I have been fostering kittens from a shelter for a few months. We paid the fee for a fostering license, but it is 30 min away from our house and is a bit of a hassle to get to, so we wanted to switch shelters to one that is closer to our home. Since it is a state license, would it transfer over to the new shelter, or do we have to pay for another one?

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • How to get rid of gas smell?

    We just bought a seadoo, and we have to go to the gas station to fill up a tank to bring back and fuel it every so often. Our tank is brand new, no leaks, but every time we put it in the car to take back, the entire car smells like gasoline for days. We've even wrapped it in a plastic bag to see if there was any gas coming out, but there was nothing. How do we get rid of the smell?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Did my bird get bit by a cat?

    I have five parakeets. While I was on vacation, I had a friend take care of my dog, two cats, and birds. I was absolutely distraught to hear from my friend that one of my three year old parakeets had passed away. She said he could not fly, and he was laying on the bottom of the cage with one wing outstretched. She tried to give him water trough a syringe and set him on a shelf in the cage. She was planning on taking him to the vet after work, but by the time she got back, he had passed away. I was shocked, because he seemed ok before I left, but I remember him accidentally escaping the cage and being chased by the cat the day before I left. I was wondering if he got sick from the cat? I'm getting worried about the other birds getting sick. Please help me!

    1 AnswerBirds5 years ago
  • My dad has been getting very angry lately?

    My dad is only 45 and he is starting to act like a grumpy 70 year old man. Lately, he has been drinking a lot more and everything anyone does that he doesn t like, he gets so angry he breaks things. He even tore his bicep muscle off when he tried to throw a chair and had to have surgery to fix it. He also coaches my brothers soccer game and got kicked out by the ref for yelling. He is always trying to pick fights with other people and we are worried he is going to hurt himself. He is not under a lot of stress, we don t have money problems, and his four children are behaved and not really a problem. Does he have a disease? What can we do? It s really making our family less close and we are getting sick of the negativity and tension around here.

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How to improve my running?

    Me and my dad are starting to add running to our lifestyle, but all we can run so far is a mile. The thing that causes me to stop is my breathing. My chest tightens up and I get out of breath. I have found that my muscles are not sore or hurting at all. I feel that my muscles can handle more distance, but my lungs cannot. How can I improve my breathing and strengthen my lungs? Also any tips for running?

    3 AnswersRunning5 years ago
  • How to keep my mom from declawing my kitten?

    So we just got a kitten for Christmas and my mom mentioned something about declawing him. Personally, I hate declawing. I had a cat ten years ago that escaped outside and we never saw him again. I yelled at my mom for declawing him because it gave him zero chance for life, but she still did it with the second cat, which is still here. Now with the third cat, I have managed to distract her and put it off for a month or two, but she's been bringing it up recently. What is your preference on declawing? Any pros and cons?

    No, don't tell me that it is her cat and she can do whatever she wants with it because I am a minor. She has basically given me unofficial rights to the cat, except vet bills and declawing. She comes to me for advice on how to take care of him.

    4 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Cats have had EXTREME anxiety issues for 7 years?

    My grandmothers two Maine coone/ domestic long hair mixed cats were adopted about 7-8 years ago. I was pretty young at the time and didn't realize the warning signs of a horrible breeder (very old woman in a tiny apartment with cats in cages everywhere) and when we first got them, they were both terrified of people and so we gave them their space. If we ever tried to get even a glimpse of them after a few weeks, they still hissed, scratched and hid in the corner. For eight years, I have never, EVER seen one of them and the other one only comes out a few times. They pee on the carpet and even their physical health is poor, they constantly have mats and thin fur, even though they eat wet and dry everyday and always have water. Is there anything we can do to make their lives better and make them enjoy coming out of there tiny hiding space in her basement, or has their inexperienced breeder caused mental problems forever? There is a concern of cancer with one of them as well, but my grandmother cannot get the first one I mentioned into a cage to go to the vet. Any suggestions? As I mentioned, they are not my cats and I disapprove of the fact she has not done nothing to help them, but there is nothing I can do about it.

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • My cat eats too much and still begs for food?

    My cat has been eating all wet food for almost a year. She is 6 years old and a bit overweight, although I'm afraid she will be obese if we don't stop feeding her so much. According to the package, 6 ounces a day is what they should eat, but due to constant begging, we began feeding her 12 ounces a day with 2 6 oz cans. She stills gets on our counters and constantly begs us, so we either spray her with water or put her upstairs, but we also want to have a happy cat that isn't always begging for food! What should we do? Plz no bs answers

    6 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Frustrated with apple family sharing plan???

    My mom and I got two iPhone 6's and we discovered that anything that happened on my phone, happened on her phone too. For example, our names are the same, profile picture, keyboard shortcuts, texts, calls, etc. iCloud is considering us the same person, which also doesn't allow us to "add a new person" to the plan, in hopes it would make is separate people. Is there anyway to fix this without having to go to store?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Can I use a polyurethane sealant for wood on acrylic paint that is on clay?

    I have painted a polymer clay sculpture with acrylic paint and had leftover matte and Semi gloss polyurethane for my wooden stairs. Could I use either one on my sculpture?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago