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  • Hey can I order a pizza here?

    I'd like a small pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and peppers with some sausage thanks. 

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 week ago
  • What does green tea and arsenic mixed together taste like?

    The nutritionist on the internet said it's refreshing (along with coffee and orange juice mixed together) but how so? Some people think Mtn Dew is refreshing but it's very bad for you obviously. Water is refreshing but in ways other drinks cannot master. Pina Coladas are the ultimate refreshing drink. Strawberries and lemonade mixed together along with cucumber spa water is refreshing too. Anyone else like refreshing mixed drinks and know what this one tastes like?

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 week ago
  • What's a good insult for someone who isn't very smart with words and won't know is an insult?

    This is someone who I can't say big words to because she doesn't know them and there are some middle-school level words that she can't grasp even though she is an adult. She knows barely any history and cannot understand most sciences either. She can't name 10 past leaders or 10 elements on the periodic table. She claims to be an expert on English just because it's her native language. She's wrong and this is glaringly obvious. What's something I could call her or compare her to that she will not understand?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 week ago
  • Is it really illegal if you take someone else's drink and...?

    Is it really considered drugging someone if you took their drink and they angrily left, then they come back and angrily drink their drink in front of you to piss you off, and you spiked it while they were gone? I feel that if they inflicted it onto themselves, it's not your fault since they acted on impulse.

    Also if you poison someone's drink in the same manner and they drink it in the same manner, it's not murder if they die, it's suicide.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month ago
  • Is he a true vegan?

    There's this dude I know who practically (no offence) doesn't eat! He says he is proud to be a vegan and thoroughly checks everything to make sure it's of valid quality. He talks about how well it's helped with animals and posts it a lot online but not so much in person. If he doesn't know, he'll just refuse to eat it. He claims he's not much of a food person and that being a vegan has made him a better person. I never see him eat and he's very tall but very skinny. Do true vegans just eat very little or is he a sub-type of vegan? I'm not vegan so I dunno.

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan3 months ago
  • How long is a good enough time to give my girlfriend space?

    My girlfriend won't talk to me. I feel really bad and I want to know what's wrong but she won't say anything and has shut herself off. I haven't talked to her yet and I don't know if or when I should. She is usually really nice but these last few days she's been kind of irritable. None of her family and friends talk to me either but I haven't done anything wrong! I want to know the next course of action to take and hoping this is the right place to do it. Also should I talk to her first straightforward or ask a friend/family member of hers first?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 months ago
  • The results came in and it turns out my wife us a troll. What should I do?

    I thought it was just a phase she went through but it seems permanent and degenerative! We have 3 children.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 year ago
  • Is Hulk Hogan a virgin?

    It just popped into my mind because he has a stupid mustache and people with stupid mustaches are always virgins. But Mario, Luigi, Wario, and the Pringles chip guy all have staches and they're not virgins. So I want your thoughts on whether you think Hulk Hogan is pure.

    Also, is Donald Trump a good presendential candidate.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • do possums and bats get diarrhoea?

    They hang upside down. Do they poop on themselves?

    3 AnswersZoology5 years ago
  • Is Peter Pan real?

    I found out there's a country called Never land, so I guess it is real! Some people call it Holland, but I think it's best to stick with what Walt Disney says. If Never land is real, Peter Pan is real too, right?

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore6 years ago
  • Is it possible in any way for this to work?

    I have 2 male pet rattlesnakes is it possible for them to make baby rattlesnakes? I'm having a $69 bet with my brother and he doesn't think it's possible. I'm trying to prove him wrong. If I win, I get to keep the baby rattlesnakes. If I lose, I have to legally change my name to "Obamacare".

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • How should I do this bet?

    I have to get my 2 male pet rattlesnakes to breed and make baby rattlesnakes so I can win a bet with my brother. If I win, I'll be nice and let him keep the baby rattlesnakes. But what should the loser do? I need ideas.

    1 AnswerGambling7 years ago
  • What should I name my rattlesnake?

    I need a lovely name. It's a girl rattlesnake. She's my pet.

    7 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What should I change my name to?

    My name is Emily but I hate that stupid name so I wanna change it. Which name is prettiest for a 20-year-old blonde chickie?

    Should I change it to…





    JonBenet Ramsey

    #1 Drinking Buddy




    Taffeta Curtains


    Or Miss Scarlet?

    Please help me it's a legal name change!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!eleventeen!!!

    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • How do I breed my 2 pet rattlesnakes?

    Why aren't they breeding? I know they're both males, but come on!! I have to get them to breed and make baby rattlesnakes so I can win a $69 bet with my brother. If I win, I'll be nice and let him keep the baby rattlesnakes.

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Should I take my pet to obedience school?

    Some people like them obedient, some people think that's way too much stress on a poor animal. What's your opinion? The pet I have is a rattlesnake.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago