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  • Will I get medically discharged for PKD?

    I don't know for sure that I have Polycystic Kidney Disease yet but I am starting to show symptoms of it(i.e. Frequent headaches, high bp, pain in lower back). PKD runs in my family; grandmother, father and both uncles had it. Has anyone heard of or experienced themselves someone being diagnosed with PKD while in the military and knows what happened to that person? I'm only 26 years old and still have a couple years left on my contract I'd like to at least finish out my contract. The main thing that concerns me is that I'm a flyer in the USAF and our medical standards are a little bit higher than most. Any information would be great, thanks!

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Why aren't there more Navy SEALS?

    By reading the Yahoo! Answers military section, it would seem that we have thousands of kids going to join the Navy SEALS every day. So why don't the actual numbers reflect these stats? Surely these kids aren't just getting inflated heads because they saw Zero Dark Thirty last night or went on a 20 kill streak in Call of Duty. Most of them seem super determined and know what it takes to not only be in the military, but to be a SEAL also. So you would think every time a terrorist throws a stick there are twenty Navy SEALS there to catch it with 100 different ways to kill him with it. I'm confused.

    9 AnswersMilitary8 years ago