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  • just a random thought. just want to see what other people think about it?

    Here's a scenerio: inmates in prison get free education, now say there was a possibility of getting admitted to prison for something that would not significantly effect your future life. Having ,example: your vehicle paid off, maybe a few other things. Put a reasonable amount of money in CD's. And not having to worry about getting killed perhaps in prison. Wouldn't that be a way to work the government out of free schooling, And having some extra when You got out? I'm just saying, maybe I think too much Idk. I'd appreciate the comments. As long as they weren't too pointless. Hey I've seen worse on here..

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • drunk in public, pertaining to riding in a car.?

    ive always noticed on cops that when someones pulled over. they ask the Passenger to get out of the vehicle and then arrest them with a drunk in public. can you get a drunk in public in your vehicle? or do you have to be outside of it?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • is it against the law to be drunk and answer questions on yahoo questions?

    idk. but im pretty hammerd, and i just want to answer peoples stupid questions because sadly, i came home from the bar alone. but for some reason peoles stupid questions make me laugh, is it okey to asnswer them, even though half the time i don't know what im talking about? lol, nevermind. pay no attention to me.

    14 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • is this a law? in regards about the american flag.?

    ive heard that if you are going to fly the american flag that it is suppost to be illuminated. or taken down at night. i've heard it from a few different people, and i think i remember reading it in a manual that came with a flag that i purchased. is any of this true? i was just woundering because our county court house doesn't do either one.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • OMG, I broke the law, should i try going to court to get it dismissed?

    come on people.... especially for something as megar as a speeding ticket. or a minor traffic violation.. NO, do not take it to court, and waste money, and time. pay the whole 75 dollar fine. and be happy it wasn't more, or you didn't loose your license. get on getting on. and get reall, and on that matter get a life, maybe a hobby? have a nice day :)

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • im just some guy, if i seen an idiot that was an "apperent 2x felon" would you arrest me for beating him?

    with a very, very, very large stick.

    oh. and fyi, please pay no attention to this question. im just bemuzaled that twinkle towes account hasn't been deleted, not for abuse but for pure stupidity. and/or his parents havent found him in their basement yet.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • can you say the alphabet backwards?

    it just seems silly for a cop to ask someone that while giving them a feild subriety test. i honestly i cant do it on the spot. and im pretty sure that most cops couldn't. ive failed many feild subriety tests. sober. not under the influence of anything. didn't get into any trouble. just wasting my time.

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • how can i go about asking a cop what he's doing on private property without him thinking im being a butt?

    so there's cops always parked at my church. (i live in the boonies) and theres a big sign at each end of the driveway. that states PRIVATE DRIVE. but they always park there. i really don't have a problem there , there trying to catch idiots out there driving. but i wouldn't like it if they parked in my driveway. i am apart of the church council, and no one really has a problem with them being there. but no one has given them permission. and there always parked there. i just want to ask them why they are parking there without permission. they would be gladly given it. but it's still the point they didn't ask. is that tresspassing? i really don't care. it's just the point they never asked. and it isn't even in there jurisdiction. there in a different county. the county line is the highway. they also park at the gas station across the street. and the guy denied there right to park on his private property after one pulled a gun on a friend of his when he went outside to see what he was doing parked there. i don't want to piss the cops off. just want to know. thanks.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • why is it i can watch a russian pull into the grocery store. and walk in and pay for his food with food stamps?

    true story... driving a car worth more than anything i own put together. and pay for food with government food stamps... beond me.. if i moved to russia think i could get my food for free? and a nice new cadillac?

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • im thinking about sueing myself. would it be wise for me to get a lawyer?

    please don't take this seriously. it's just that i see so many questions that only a stupid person could find them self to ask. and i honestly just wanted to ask a stupid question myself. don't judge me.. im very, very bored. fyi, don't saw of your toe... you will be confined to a couch. and a laptop.. and even though the internet is very big... you eventually run out of things that interest you. have a nice day!.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • is there a doctor that might be able to help?

    thank you if you take the time to read this. my uncle has some type of nuralogical problems that are causing his feel to be in immence pain. he says there numb and they feel like there on fire ( i interpret it to be somewhat as if your hands were cold. and you can hot water over them. that feeling) he's gone to multiple doctors, and nurolagists, all they do is give him this pill thats for noralogical problems. not one of them has looked at his foot. half of them think he's making it up. and he's so frustrated. and im really worried for him. they know it's some kind of nuralogical damage causing it. but they won't take 1 minute to even think about trying to figure out whats causing it. the med's they are given him arent even working. ones told him to take more. and the one today told him to take less (mg). can you tell me why these doctors arent wanting to help.

    Men's Health1 decade ago
  • what do people get out of acting tuff on the internet?

    i mean, cmon people. simmer down, i cant play poker. or go into a chat room. or be anywhere on the internet without running into some guy that talks smack and acts like he's going to kick my butt.. it makes me chuckle. your some looser kid in your moms basement acting tuff.. sometimes i wish i had the money to send these people plane tickets to come see me. sorry for the rambling. i am very bored. id rather be living life then on yahoo a&q's but im laid up from an accident.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • does anyone think the economy will ever recover?

    this isn't realy a question i just was interesting in hearing peoples thoughts. im 20. and i was hoping to start my own buesniss in the near future in building icf houses, foundations, things of that sort. i am very smart and good at what i do. i had everything figured out. and now i figure im set back at least 10 years befor i could get into it and be profitable. poeple loosing there houses now days and broke. going to be hard to find enough people to build to keep a business afloat. maybe if i was in a better location but im not moving from northern minnesota. financing my operation wouldn't be a problem, a good year working over the road and i can put the money away and start up. and i know the right people. im just sad my dreams were run down by a crappy economy.

    3 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Mariage. what are your takes. honestly i don't beleive in maraige anymore?

    maraige is between , a man, a women, and god. i feel maraige is being abused. i think if you want to have all the legal things that come with maraige with the state and taxes ect. that you should have to go do that seperate and sign legal documents. i hate saying i do not beleive in maraige, because i would love to get maried, at a church. because of the spiritual bond, but theres too many people abusing maraige. that don't get maried out of love and for wrong reasons. with isn't the point of getting married. does that make sense or im i just rambling?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • has anyone beat majoras mask (zelda) for 64?

    i just want to know if it's possible. ive beat every other zelda known to man. but that game kicks my butt for 64. ive prly wasted away 30 hours of my life and havent made it any farther than i was when i started. if you have. please tell me what it felt like? i might just havta bust it out and kick it old school one day and try it again..

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • i can understand where cops can be "in fear for their life" but what about me?

    im not against cops. i have alot of friends that are cops. and know good cops. but i know alot of cops that overuse thier power, and try to be what is known as a "supercop". and there are alot of crazy stuff that happens. like 2 weeks ago a cop was shot near where i live. but my question is how can cops pull guns on my friends and people i know. minding their own buisness becaus they think thier life in in danger, and it's perfectly exceptable, but if a cop aproched me and i pulled a gun out because i thought that my life was in danger, id go to jail?, a police officer was at a local store after hours in the parking lot, and the owner sent someone outside to see what the problem was, and he got a gun pulled on him, and the cop got pissy with him, he was scared and went inside. im not saying we should be pulling guns on cops but why cant i feel scared by the presence of a police officer, most of them around here are pretty creepy, getting arested for rape, trigger happy .. crazy stuff.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago