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  2. Dining Out
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  4. Other - Australia

Other - Australia


  • 5
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    Why is lo mcg a far right?

    She’s a terrorist and she needs to be executed. To the Tower of London

    6 Answers1 year ago
  • 33
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    are u supposed to butter hot dogs?

    Favourite answer:

    I cut mine down the middle and fry mine in butter

    33 Answers1 year ago
  • 19
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    Is kangaroo meat really eaten by NON-aboriginal Australians?

    Favourite answer:

    Years ago McDonalds and Jack in the Box burgers had kangaroo meat in them. Not much but some. Fast food corporations got the govt. to allow labeling kangaroo tails as 'beef'. I may have eaten some then without knowing.

    But it tasted like beef. It was probably mostly beef anyway.

    19 Answers2 years ago