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  • 11
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    Why do people withdraw and hide their money instead of keeping in their bank?

    Favourite answer:

    Most people don't but I'm sure there are many reasons why people would do this. I can think of one good one - if someone gets SSI (supplemental security income which is a federal welfare program) they might want to hide resources. People on SSI aren't eligible if their resources are $2000 if single or $3000 if married.

    Another good reason - hiding assets from a spouse you are planning on divorcing.

    As for taxes - you pay taxes on income when it is received - not money you have in bank accounts unless you receive interest or dividends.

    7 Answers2 years ago
  • 6
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    Did you get a great job after tried and failed many times?

    Favourite answer:

    Life isn't fair, the sooner you come to terms with that the better. In the end effort should beget results.

    2 years ago