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Am I judging Atheists by saying they are wicked and evil?;_ylt=AqSXX...

In response to this question, I've stated a biblical answer. Typical rebuttals are that Christians are not to judge, that it is an attempt to demonize them, or it is stereotyping them. These words are not my judgement. They are from God. He alone judges and will judge everyone according to their works. I present them to you as act of love and caring, not wanting you to perish for your unbelief, just as God does Himself. I know that many have hardened their hearts, thinking it is all foolishness. Of course, you must first believe that He exists. There are some who the Spirit has been goading, and my hope and prayer is that they reconsider. Know that it is an evil, and there is still time to repent and turn from this wicked way. Am I judging, or am I just another voice crying out in the wilderness?

45 Answers

  • K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Judging (Matthew 7:1) is often misquoted by those who are not open-minded to God's Word. A careful examination of the context of the Scriptures shows that judging (discerning) is demanded. In order to take the mote out of thy brother's eye, we have to discern that he has a mote in his eye. Since we will all be judged by God's Word, how can we go wrong by judging righteous judgment according to His Word?

    John 7:24 "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

  • Thomas
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Matthew 7:1-5 is for all people.

    "Do NOT Judge, and criticize, and condemn other people, so that you will may not be judged, and criticized, and condemned yourselves ! For just as you judge and criticize and condemn other people, you will also be judged, criticized, and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you use to deal out your judgment upon others, it will dealt out again to you. Why do you stare at the very small speck that is in another's eye, and are not mindful, aware of the log that is in your eye?

    You, hypocrite {you pretender, actor], first get the Log out of your own eye, so you can see

    clearly to help take the very small speck out of another's eye." Matthew 7:1-5 Amplified bible.

    Amplified from the original greek scriptures which Jesus spoke.

    There is NO such thing as people Righteously Judging other people.

    The true sign of a wise, intelligent, compassionate, merciful person is one who Practices Patience and Tolerance toward all people, including Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Christian, and people of all religions, races, and all philosophy's of Life.

    Wise people have Humbly Teachable Attitudes, and learn from all people, w/out Judging, criticizing, or condemning anyone.

    If there really is a god, then he or she ALONE

    has the right to judge human beings, we

    do not. That is why Joseph's son, Jesus

    advise humanity to Never Judge, criticize or condemn others. He believed that only His

    God and Father in heaven is qualified to Judge others. We should not. And if any of us do, Jesus said, " We are Hypocrites, and are Lukewarm. " What does God say about Lukewarm people ? I'm sure it says something about Lukewarm people in the bible, maybe in the book of Revelation, or in the book of Proverbs. Those who read the bible alot would know where this is located.

    "The point is: NO SHOULD JUDGE ANOTHER PERSON !! If we do, we are

    arrogant, self-righteous people, we should


    **"If we think we have been wronged, or harmed unjustly by another, FORGIVE.

    This is really the mature thing to do. And the healthiest thing we can do for our own heart, mind, and emotions.**" Love your enemies, don't judge them, or condemn them, and pray for all those who persecute you. We all should live by this. Jesus' Words spoken by Him, to all

    Humanity. IT IS WRITTEN.

  • Philo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you're judging, and self-righteousness is the insidious sin Christians are most often guilty of. Reread Matt 5:45. Jesus says you should be as openhanded in your love as his father, who makes the sun shine and the rain fall on good and bad alike. Reread the one about the mote in the eye.

    Buddhism has a similar point. In the beginning the gung-ho youth takes the vow of the boddhisattva, which starts "sentient beings are numberless, I take a vow to save them all." Maybe somewhere in middle age he wises up and realizes the only one who really needs saving is himself from the arrogant belief he's wise enough to save anyone at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you are judging. Not specifically by reporting the content of the bible...

    (I'm with you on its actual text and the obvious reading of it.)

    ...but by judging *your* assessment of its truth and reliability so superior to *others'* assessment of its fallibility and unreliability that considering the *possibility* that you might be the one mistaken appears beyond you.

    Atheism is only a evil *if the bible is correct on this point* and, whatever you think, that hasn't been settled yet for the world at large.

  • You know what? I really don't give a crap what YOU or people like YOU think about me and my beliefs. My concern is living a happy, MORAL, law-abiding, well adjusted life...which I have succeeded in doing btw. You can believe all the fairy tales in the world and live however you want to live. Judge away if that is what truly makes you happy. If coming here and calling non-believers of christianity names and belittling us...then I hope that makes you feel very good about your small, insignificant self. Because I really DON'T CARE. You mean absolutely NOTHING to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is the murderer evil? is the thief wicked? Perhaps they are in our minds, but if we condemn either of them in our hearts or minds, how does that help then to show the God that we cling to, and that held out His arms for us after we too sinned?

    It is not the person that is evil, but their sin. Do not look upon the person as the wicked thing, but upon their sin. We do not have to agree with their actions, but we must still offer our own beacon of light, reflecting that which is given to us.

    I would have to say that yes, it is judging to say that they are evil, if it is done so that you avoid them, or push them away. If you think that they are wicked and evil, however still try to show love to them, or push them away, then no, it is not judging. A line separates judging from observing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God will judge people according to their works. Interesting. The books by Paul in the bible make it very clear that you are judged by faith NOT works! SO WHICH IS IT??? BOTH ARE IN YOUR BIBLE!!

    Perhaps Christians should first figure out what people will be judged on and then deal with this matter of those who choose to live in reality not fantasy land!

    Source(s): Galations 3:24 - 25 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. NOT JUDGED BY LAW / WORKS!
  • 1 decade ago

    To claim that an Atheist, or anyone else that is not a Christian, is wicked and evil (should be no difference to you, why should a non-christian be different than an atheist?) is not only judging, but dead wrong.

    For this same way of thinking, Islam people are blowing themselves up in trying to kill people for not believing in Islam. You are only a step away my friend, and it is not a good thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have recently had my heart softened towards atheists. I used to think they are all wrong, why can't they see the truth? But the reason is that their eyes are blind to the truth and by judging them you are simply giving Satan what he wants. For you to completely ignore them, inflame them against Christianity more, or sound completely uneducated in trying to rebuke them. God is love and to judge someone based on their beliefs is not loving them. Take a look at your heart and what your reason for judging them. I mean all sin is sin in God's eyes whether it be denying Him or judging others. God is the only one who can righteously judge anyone. Atheists need prayer and compassion, not anger and judgement. They need it more than anyone. For the reason, I believe, most Atheists deny God is because somewhere in their life there has been such a lack of love that they thought, well there is no love, justice, or peace on this Earth so what was that about a loving God? Whatever. So by judging them you only give them more ammo to deny God. Be ready to give an answer not judge. Look into C.S. Lewis's writings he is one of the greatest theological Christian writers of the 20th century and he was a converted Atheist. He will give you a good insight into their thought patterns and some ways to lovingly present the truth to them. Mere Christianity and Case for Christianity are two excellent sources to start with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are being extremely judgemental--and in the worst way. Anyone can pick a verse out of the Bible--and out of context--and distort it to fit what they want. And--as the Bible says--the master if this form of deception is the Devil, who is said to quote Scripture when it suits him.

    Based on your "question" you seem to be pretty at this game too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nah. You're just acting like you ARE God. He'll probably send you to the fiery pits of hell for such blasphemy. The way in which you interpret your religion is demoralizing and ugly. It reflects on you though, dear, not me.

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