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My friend just had a little boy 10 days ago his name is Harper J. Walls she needs an alternative name? Help!!?

My friends mother in law named her baby Harper J. and she wants just can't seem to bring herself to call him that, she needs an alternative name that he can be called even after he grows up. Can you please help us. He's 10 days old and she calls him the baby, she just doesn't know what to do.


You just have to know the details behind the reason why. Her husband didn't want to keep fighting with his mom over the name and she was letting him choose the name, since it was his first child. Her mother in law's father died 2 yaers ago and his name was William J. Harper. That's were the Harper J. came from. In rememberance to him.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I agree have it changed legally

    it's still soon enough if she hasnt sent in the birth certificate papers

    have her call the hospital and find out how she can go about changing it

    have her tell her MIL that it's nothing against her she just really cant stand that name

    she made a mistake allowing her to name the baby and should've asked her choice first

    if the MIL did this without permission while mom was asleep or knocked out by pain killers then it should be easy enough to call the hospital and get it changed as long as she hasnt sent in the birth certificate papers

    if there is a reason the MIL named the baby (like death of the baby's father) then just keep the name and call him by his middle name or JJ

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Justin. Lee, Cameron. Juilien. Dwayne. Anthony. Doug. Zachery. Brian. you can also buy a baby name book.

  • 1 decade ago

    why did she let her mother in law name the baby? thats crazy, especially if she dosn't like the name! if i was her i would have the name legally changed to something she does want!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why did she let somone else name her baby?? regardless it being the mother in law?? i would say call him J.J. its easy to say and he can still keep the name he was born with.. also he could just by J.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree w/ everyone else.. WHY did she let someone else name HER baby?

    Anyways, Harpie, H.J., Harry, the middle name..

    Since he's only 10 days old, it wouldn't be hard to change his name. Tell your friend to name him something else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lee. Name the baby Lee.

  • 1 decade ago

    cody jesse cameron hunter hector justin

    plus harper is a girls name but i like it on a boy hope these help

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Julian is a nice name, so is Joran, and Zay

  • 1 decade ago

    call him junior.

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