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kaceypi asked in Consumer ElectronicsCamcorders · 1 decade ago

Cant get my JVC Everio GZ-MG 335 to record from a mini cam mounted on an RC heli. Not showing pic on my cam?

I am trying to use a mini cam on an RC Heli with my above camcorder. I can't see the image from the mini cam on my camcorder. I don't know how to set this up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The manual says to "Set [SWITCH TO ANALOG I/O] to [OUTPUT] from the MENU." I can't find that anywhere in my menu.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    1) slide the mode switch to select the camcorder.

    2) Press the "Select Play/Rec" button so it is in Rec mode.

    3) The video base station for the RC Heli should be connected to the yellow video jack of the camcorder's AV cable. There probably is no audio connection. The RC Heli's video jack is most likely an RCA male. The camcorder's video RCA jack is most likely male. You probably need to get a female-female RCA adapter to connect the two male RCA jacks together.

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