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Airbrushing...I need to know...?

Does anyone know what kind of airbrushing makeup celebrities use is called??

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yeah it's Dinair Airbrush Makeup. I've used it now for about 2 years and its AMAZING!!! I did all kinds of research on all the different airbrush makeup companies before i purchased one and i found out that Dinair is the original airbrush makeup company. I also found out that the owner and founder of Dinair is a celebrity makeup artist. So i took the risk of ordering it and i have never been happier with makeup in my life! I will never go back to conventional makeup again! If you just go to google and type in Dinair and you'll find their site. Hope this helps...=)

  • 1 decade ago

    It is just a regular airbrush machine with a regular compressor that you can get for around $200-$250. I wouldn't recommend buying it for home use, as it would kind of be overly expensive unless you have your own professional business.

    You can get the foundation liquid online, perhaps on ebay, for the airbrush machine. Regular Liquid foundations are too thick and therefore would not spray a fine mist onto the face. You have to buy especially the one that is made for the machine.

    If not, Sally hansen has the airbrush foundation at drug stores for about $10 that you can use. It comes in an aerosole can and may last you a while depending how much you use.

    Source(s): I'm planning to buy an airbrush machine from vietnam for about $100, because my aunt lives over there and can get it for me. My skin has a clear complexion, so I don't use foundation at all :)
  • 1 decade ago


    Celebs air brush is all done through photo shop"

    How ever you can download photo shop for free online.

    No one has flawless skin.

    Would be every womans dream to look like that.

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