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mama30 asked in Beauty & StyleMakeup · 1 decade ago

How do you contour your cheeks & nose?

Does anyone know the trick to defining cheekbones and the bridge of one's nose? What makeup do I use? Bronzer? I love the way the celebs look. Their cheek and nose always look glowing and nicely defined.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    check out enkore on you tube... he does a perfect nose tutorial!

    i've use the sculpt and shade duo by mac as well as laura geller's shade and sculpt. there's also a contour palette by coastal scents. i don't use a bronzer because they are typically too shimmery/shiney for contours

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    NYC sunny bronzer! it works with maximum skintones, would not seem muddy or orange, and is matte, that's great for contouring. it is likewise between the main inexpensive bronzers that there is at around $3. even in spite of the shown fact which you mentioned you wanted a powder bronzer, a cream could artwork appropriate alongside with your dry dermis. demanding candy (offered at Walmart) has one referred to as Glow Away that works great, plus it has a highlighter on the different section.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, use lotion as a base. After it has completely settled on to you skin, apply foundation or powder. If you have under-eye circles, put some light foundation under your eyes and blend it in, in a circular motion. If you have a flat nose, make a streak down the center of your nose with lighter toned foundation. Next, apply bronzer on your cheekbones and then your chin, your forehead, and lastly, your brow bones.... THATS IT! :D

    Source(s): Moi
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you make a fish face and put bronzer in the hollows of your cheeks, that'll contour your cheeks.

    for your nose just put it on the outsides of your nose. not on it, and not to far down, from like the inside of your eyes were that bone is, to were the flares of your nostrils start.

  • 1 decade ago

    See video below, She is a professional makeup artist well known based in London:

  • 1 decade ago
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