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should I have taken a gap year?

I'm now in my 3rd wk of uni and I hate it :( I quite like my course only I've been ill for the last week so missed loads of my lectures so now I'm worried I'm really far behind. I also don't like my accomodation, the room is tiny and my flatmates are really noisy, and I don't feel I have that much in common with them. I started to make friends with people in my 1st and 2nd wk but then I feel like now every1 has bonded together without me since I took a wk of cause I was ill. Everyone here seems so much more mature (not age wise but personality and experience wise) and I'm not sure now if I should have just taken a gap year and grown up abit more. I really regret coming to uni now and I don't know what to do!!!!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    No I think you're still getting acclimated to the college life and environment. "Gap years" are typically for people who finished college, and want to take a year or two off before going to graduate school to get a masters degree or a doctorates degree. If you took a year off, you'll probably just work at some mediocre job and envy all your friends when you hear about all the fun and exciting things they've been doing in college. I would wager that after the gap year, you'd feel like you wasted it and would have regretted taking it off. Then the next year in college you'll feel similarly to how you do now.

    Once you get used to college life, you'll love it. It's normal to be homesick and question if college is for you because quite honestly it is a major transition from your old life and it can take some getting used to. You'll be fine, though. : )

  • 1 decade ago

    Stick with it. It's too late now to back out anyway. Somebody told me the other day that she was glad she had gone on a gap year after uni instead of before because she enjoyed it a whole lot more, being allowed to have a beer with her mates and just having a bit more life experience behind her.

    Good luck making friends! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    are u in college for the degree or are u there for the friends? i would just concentrate on getting good grades for now, and then when next semester comes, start going to social events and make friends with the people in your new classes. If you really dont like it by May then at least u can say u tried it for a year and you're just not ready. in that case, i'd take a year off and go traveling or something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no Gap year is non sense, this is a good time to carry on study as we are in recession and hopefully in the next few years when you finish your degree if you carry on you will be able to get a job.

    Gap year is a waste of time right now there is no good job salaries are very low so it is better to have qualifications now to get a good career in future. Good luck

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