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Will we ever have true democracy in our country?

we are espousing freedom yet, we sometimes keep our silence for fear of reprisals. look what happened to the journalists killed in Maguindanao.

Your thoughts, please. Thank you.


I am only one voice but if my voice is added to a thousand, that thousand will grow into a multitude. let that multitude be heard but peacefully. no need to raise arms. now is the time for us to choose wisely government officials who not only bark ferociously but have strong teeth as well.

Update 2:

@Big P: you are right. true democracy lies in the hands of God. no man on earth can give us that however powerful, wealthy and cunning he may be.

it's only an opinion, i hope no one kills me. =)

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    We espouse freedom, but we don't seem to understand it. It is easy to think that freedom is the inherent ability to do what we desire in the pursuit of happiness. Somehow I disagree with that premise. Instead I believe that responsibilities come with those privileges that derive from freedom, which we exercise and enjoy, and that we are all accountable for them. Yet we hardly recognize that truism, or we choose to set it aside and ignore it.

    To many of us, freedom is just an afterthought, and if you don't believe me, just stand on any street corner in Manila and observe. In the name of freedom, people just do whatever they please - count how many laws are broken every passing minute. If we can't respect simple rules, then we have lost our moral sense, our discipline, and we have cheapened that freedom. We cannot fight for something we don't value, and whenever it is threatened we simply shrink and retire in some corner. Those who demand freedom must deserve it first and earn it, that it becomes sacred and worth fighing for.

  • Big P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't know. Its the will of God. I pray to the highest judge of all time about the Philippines and its people through love and concern. Sometimes I feel so sad when I look at innocent children from poor families who is not yet aware of the unfortunate limitations in their life.

    There are SOME parents who produce children and don't know how to be a parent. Just like the government, they establish a constitution to govern the country and its people but mismanagement and corruption has affected the entire country especially the poor which make the largest percentage of its citizens.

    So, what does it take for true democracy? Is it civil war? Blood bathes like Iraq and Afghanastan?

    Does it require the United States to come in and help govern the country because filipino officials don't have real positive solutions to the mountain size problems and issues in the country.

    I believe the government desperately need help from the United States but they want to prove that they can hold their own weight. Too much opposition from political parties is keeping the people broken down with no future for next generations.

    A strong grip of demonic control.

    Source(s): Its only an opinion, now don't try to kill me.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's COMPLETELY up to you.

    Anyone can "espouse freedom" but if the act of espousing starts and ends with a shy nod of the head and an "hallelujah" utterance to signal agreement then you have made the following impact: nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero...betlog.

    Do something, other than make an empty promise with no follow-up. Don't just "hope" it will get better. It will not. Niether will defensively attacking every single concerned party (brave journalists, missionaries, activists, foreigners/outsiders, etc.) for appearing to "insult" your country by pointing out the tragic realities.

    I'm not exactly sure what you are waiting for to happen that will lead to this "true democracy"? Is it a savior in the form of politician? Is it more free money from the "rich nations"?

    Whatever it is, it is evident that you do not EXPECT yourself to be this agent of change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    our brand of democracy in the philippines is republicanism - the power to govern is granted to elected representatives. for as long as we keep electing crooks (or crooks keep getting themselves elected), we cannot claim that we are a true democracy.

    that was really sad what happened in maguidanao. so what's our next move? we know the ampatuans must be made responsible for such atrocities but are we going to? at the very least, shouldn't we investigate and bring the real culprits to courts, whoever they may be?


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

  • Anne C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Foremost, true democracy (which is determined by freedom and equality) is a hoax - as fraudulent as true communism could be. No society, (no matter how sophisticated its socio-political structure is) could claim that it has genuinely achieved true democracy. Because freedom may only be attained by a society wherein a COMMON MORAL CODE is shared by everyone else, such as collective responsibility, conscientious individual actions, and a unified goal maneuvered in the name of public interests -- and unfortunately, these utopian concepts could never be achieved in an egocentric society, such as ours. The more we restrict ourselves (thru laws and social conventions) from hurting each other and taking advantage of one another, the more we lose our freedom.

    Equality, well the rich and the poor could never be equal,.. and so with the learned and the ignorant, the majority and the minority. The weaker entity will always be oppressed by the tyranny of the much stronger one, hence true equality could never exist in any society of man. And so I have to agree with you that true democracy lies in the hands of God. Meanwhile, in this life, I guess we just have to be civil with one another and be humane as much as we could, so that this journey would be a little more pleasant for everyone.

  • gaul
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    a real democracy is hated with the help of the founding fathers. the unique federal government basically had the domicile elected with the help of the human beings. The president and the senate weren't elected with the help of the human beings with the help of any skill. a real democracy could lead on us right into a tyranny of maximum folk. "a million) Heavy taxation of the middle type to fund government entitlements for ghetto slums created with the help of extensive government regular Detroit style companies that are restructuring." Taxes are the backside they have been because Reagan became in workplace. actually taxes interior the final 10 years usual decrease then the completed Reagan term usual. "2) Busing the races to create a Singapore style of mixed race society like Communist China has performed" ok? would desire to we walk to get around? "3) State controlled preparation curriculum which restricts faith like the former u.s. did" actually we constrained till now u.s. did. The company clause prohibits state subsidized faith. "Congress shall make no regulation respecting an company of religion(...)" "4) State possession of banks and companies that are bancrupt like the former u.s. did till now till now it collapsed" What state controlled banks and companies? Are you speaking with regard to the U.S. national financial company shaped interior the 18th century with the help of the federalists. i don't think of the U.S. became around then. "5) formula of government regulations which cater to the extremely wealthy and get rid of the middle type like the former u.s. did till now it collapsed." Like close to lowest taxes interior the final a hundred years? First you're saying government courses to help the undesirable now you're saying government courses to help the wealthy. that's it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you know I would expect a top contributor like you to know that this is a republic and that just like true communism true democracy is impossible with SIN present in the world.

  • "DEMOCRAZY" gov't i should say.....

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