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When did your little one start calling you Mom instead of Mommy?

My 2 and a half year old son (yikes, almost 3 in a few months!) has decided that he is going to call me Mom instead of Mommy. He's also started it with Daddy as well. Both my husband and I feel that he is way too young to be calling us just Mom and Dad yet (plus we aren't ready for him to act quite that grown up!!). It's hard though because of his cousins he sees regularly and that talk (ie are all older than him or aren't developmentally delayed) are saying Mom and Dad and most of the children's programming he watches they refer to parents as Mom and Dad. We're being a bit forceful with him, not responding to Mom or Dad and reminding him that our names are Mommy and Daddy. Just curious, is this just a passing phase to tough out and in a short while I will hear him calling me Mommy again or should I just let it go and chalk it up to him growing up way faster than I want him too? How old were your babies when they stopped or are they still saying Mommy and Daddy?


People, I am not ignoring my son when he needs me. However when he's standing in front of me just calling me Mom to be annoying, yes I ignore him or tell him my name is Mommy. If he's calling Mom because he needs to go potty or wants something or has gotten stuck somewhere or the dog is bugging him or what ever then yes I respond to him!

10 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Mason is three and thats exactly what he calls me and "dad". I loved mommy and daddy when he was saying it, but in movies and at daycare he always hears mom and dad and really picked that up. Granted he really only says it when he wants our attention or something terrible is wrong. . . but he still says it.

  • 5 years ago

    Just continue to gently correct her, laugh it off, try to make a joke of it for his sake. You can also bring up conversations with her about her 'real' mommy. If you know she has gone or will be going to see her ask what they will or did do, etc. Talking about her like that will also help her little mind work out the difference between you two. Since this little girl obviously reguards you so highly try to give her the best female role model while you are around. You said she doesn't see her own mother very often & even at her young age having positive role models in her life are very important. If it makes you feel any better one of my nephews would call me 'mommy' from the ages 2-4 right in front of his own mother!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is 3 and calls us mom and dad now and then. She still calls us mommy and daddy for the most part. I wouldn't ignore him for calling you mom and dad because it's just something your going to have to get use to. At least he's not calling you by name, and you both are his mom and dad. If you ignore him, he'll think he's doing something bad when all he's doing is calling you. He's not growing up any faster by not saying Mommy or daddy. My husband was sad the day our daughter started saying daddy rather than dada, but she knows calling him dada will have him wrapped around her finger and get her what she wants!

  • 1 decade ago

    my 2 and a half year old calls me mommy or mom. Once she called her dad by his first name. lol. But usually its daddy or dad. She also took to calling me Mr. Noodle for a while, and then I guess I upgraded to Princess Fiona. When she was between 10-13 months she called me "milk" so I was very happy when I got the mom or mommy, I didn't really care which version she used. I'm sure your 2 year old is not trying to annoy you by calling you mom. He is just probably fascinated that you could have more than one name. It seems like such a little thing to fuss about. pick your battles :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you being SO stern about him calling you Mom and Dad thats kinda strange if you ask me do you want him calling you Mommy when he is an adult? My kiddos are 10, 7, and 2 years old they call me Mommy or Mom and I would never ignore them.

  • 6 years ago

    My son always calls me Dad. At first, I was Da-Dad. He's 13 months. My favorite is when sometimes I call out to him he will respond with "Dad?"

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He must of heard someone call their parents mom and dad, but at least he didn't call you by your first name. My daughter called be Mom when she was 12

  • 1 decade ago

    my son was 2yrs old but he never really called me mommy it was usually Ma or Ama(my kids spoke spanish first lol), then it became mom, my daughter is going to be 3yrs old and she has called me mom since she hears my son, so she never called me mommy either.

    same with my boyfriend my son called him Pa or Apa, then dad.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I really wouldn't ignore him when he called you Mom or Dad, that's just like... I can't even think about how awkward that is... he's growing up. I think you should probably get used to the idea.

  • KitKat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i've always been "mom". both kids went thru the phase of referring to us by our first names, though. what's in a name??

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