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Lv 7
Sunny asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 10 years ago

When you bring music to listen to during labor, do you listen on headphones?

I'm pregnant with my first child and am reading what to pack for my hospital bag and it says music. I'm just wondering how most women listen to the music, do you bring headphones?

1 Answer

  • Favourite answer

    I've just had my first baby and now she's 6 months. If you wanna bring music I'd recommend a radio or one of those ipod base things, NOT headphones. You're not going to be paying much attention to what song is on once the labor really kicks in. Even if you do get an epidural, that's only gonna block out the pain at the end, at the actual birth, not the labor. You most likely will NOT want to wear headphones.

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