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Why do we allow poison to our drinking water?

Exposure to fluoride may lower children’s intelligence says a study pre-published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (online December 17, 2010). Fluoride is added to 70% of U.S. public drinking water supplies.

5 Answers

  • Dawn
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Trendley Dean, DDS, ("father of fluoridation"), the original promoter of water fluoridation as an effective tool in fighting dental decay, admitted over 50 years ago under oath, that his data purporting to prove the fluoridation hypothesis were not valid. (H. Trendley Dean: Proceedings, City of Oroville vs. Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, Oroville, California, Oroville, California, October 20-21, 1955.)… also… (See 4-1: “Fluoridation Benefits — Statistical Illusion.” Testimony of Konstantin K. Paluev, Research and Development Engineer, Mar. 6, 1957).

    All Trendly Dean's research showed was that fluoride delayed (or retarded), the eruption of individual teeth by six months to two years, therefore teeth are only delayed at getting cavities. If teeth haven't come through the gums yet, teeth will naturally not be capable of forming cavities. After the teenage years, there are actually more cavities in those who use fluoridation. Fluoride is toxic and makes both teeth and bones brittle. To paraphrase Dean's findings, "As children's teeth disintegrate, they may have fewer cavities". It's good money for the dental industry. Fluoride is more toxic than lead yet they dump it in our tap water. It lowers the IQ's of children. It increases a woman's chances of having a Down's Syndrome baby by 30%. It allows aluminum to cross the blood-brain barrier thus increasing one's risk for Alzheimer's Disease. It kills the protective enzymes naturally in your mouth which fight cavities. You absorb fluoride through your skin while bathing and under your tongue when using a fluoridated toothpaste. The fluoride being put in tap water is an industrial waste by-product...mostly from the fertilizer industry. Much of it is imported from China. Worse yet, no one is monitoring our levels of fluoride... not the medical profession or the dentists. There are over 500 peer reviewed studies showing the adverse effects of fluoride but not one double blind study showing it's benefits. Most of the countries that used to have fluoridated tap water have now discontinued the practice. Only in America will they not acknowledge the fraud behind fluoridation.

    Quit using fluoridated tooth paste and drink bottled spring water or distilled water. Most teas (especially black tea) also contain too much fluoride so drink those sparingly.

    Fluoride is dumped into our water supply because it's a cost-effective way of getting rid of toxic industrial waste by-products. The manufacturing industry is saving billions of dollars by not having to pay for disposing of it. If we have normally functioning kidney's, half of the fluoride we consume ends up in the toilet. The other half is retained in our bodies over our lifetime resulting in arthritis in old age. They sell it to us indirectly through our tap water as a health promoting agent. It's all nothing more than fraud. And it has not even been approved by the FDA for use in our tap water.

    Source(s): If you want the truth, it's wise to get it from other sources than the USA. Here's what Ireland has to say about fluoride.
  • 10 years ago

    I've read a lot of the anti-fluoride propaganda. Most of it is anecdotal and opinion pieces. The one decent study I read was that two villages in China had different levels of fluoride in their water and the one with the lesser amount had the higher average IQ. I don't think that the results were significant at a reasonable level (say, 95%, rather than 50%) but let's ignore that. What the study glossed over was that the village that had the higher IQ was drinking water with the exact level that water utilities add artificially.

    The other problem is covered by the saying that "The dose makes the poison." Even pure water can be lethal in high enough doses.

  • 10 years ago

    Because fluoride is good for your teeth.

    And apparently Dental health > Mental health

  • 10 years ago

    At the levels fluoride is used, it has more of a benefit. If it were used at higher levels, then it could be toxic.


  • 10 years ago

    Its to make us unable to think like normal persons and developing cheap working strenght.

    Also to kill bacteria ( meh).

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