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starleo51 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Will the UN Security Council establish a GREEN HELMETS peacekeeping force?

In order to set up an effective carbon control racket they must have a ‘one world’ politically and legally with carbon as the default currency of the planet economically. Where energy can be controlled , and with that control over human activity , food production and population itself. This is exactly the end game elites operating via , NGOs , hedge funds and UN want. It has very little if anything at all to do with global warming or any climate issue . system. Their sense of urgency comes from a realization that they may face new power brokers in future if they do not grab it all and enslave mankind in carbon servitude. If this kind of ‘one world’ is something that you want come about then support the carbon racket , if not you should oppose it.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I oppose everything this corrupt and worthless organization does. Everyone, with the exception of the radical left, knows man made climate change is a hoax. In the USA we will do our part by removing Obama and the other Democrats from power in 2012. The green hoax will stopped in it's tracks.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes they will, but being the fiance of the daughter of a UN Diplomat, they have absolutley no interest in 'running the world' they would gladly support the US in that endevor, but the UN as an entity is not organizing anything like that.

    Obama and all CLoward-Piven Socialist Democrats are however trying to do exactly that, and by manipulating with political sway, who does what in the UN, it is a real threat.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    That would not help them keep the peace. Another agency at the UN is concerned with sustainable environments. The real problem is the U.S. which refuses to cooperate in lowering the carbon footprint. The U.S. has to be a leader in this. If the U.N. were moved back to Geneva that might be better because a lot of the no-good U.N. American representatives would be less inclined to live there and therefore could not influence global policies. We would have a greener and more peaceful world without the U.S.

  • 10 years ago

    the force would not any power to enforce

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