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Why World Leaders losing Hearts and Minds?

Look at almost every issue – from the threatened collapse of the euro to the faltering recovery in most economies, from the future of nuclear after Fukushima to the consequences of the Arab Spring – and you are seeing problems that demand both a decisive response and international co-ordination.

Look at the performance of the G8, the EU, and Nato and all you see are premiers simply incapable of rising to the occasion. The public may have unrealistic expectations of politicians but, on this, they are right. The current generation of Western leaders are simply not up to it.


I'm sorry Cheng but you don't have any idea about the real issue, I don't blame you for your ignorance. Thanks for calling me moran.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Well, Europe and portions of Asia seem to be doing fairly well under their current leadership, at least better than us. Even south America is becoming better.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Because every great civilization reaches a point where it becomes unsustainable and it's very future is in jeopardy. Our world is in a situation now where they are going to spit into the wind no matter what.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Can you even frame a proper question?Your english is pathetic and appaling.

    If you don't think your good enough,why don't you become a leader yourself?It's sooo easy isn't it?

    I'm sure you would like your comfy desk job.

    All of leaders of the G8 are very capacle beat,or they wouldn't be there.You are no one to judge them,infact your a senseless moron.

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