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fanofchan asked in SportsBaseball · 10 years ago

If the Cardinals do trade for a Closer before July 31, who should they consider trading?

And, who should they pursue?

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    It's been announced that Rasmus is on the trading block. Heath Bell is the obvious choice. But Bell isnt the only San Diego reliever in talks with the Cards. Also Luke Gregerson and Mike Adams. Both of those guys have been great this year. There have also been rumors about Matt Thornton going to the Cards.

  • Foxx
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    They can get Sean Burnett cheap from the Nationals, or Todd Coffey-neither a likely what the Cards would prefer, but both would be attainable for the right price. If the Nationals would do it and the Cardinals could be moved to do so-i would trade both Coffey and Burnett for Cards prospect Oscar Taveras.

  • 10 years ago


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