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Why the district of criminals are desperate to kill social security?

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Since Reagan the GOP has been committed to cancelling the New Deal--destroying Social Security and Medicare, banning labor unions, destroying OSHA, Civil Rights, EPA, etc. This is part of a bigger strategy to destroy the middle class, to concentrate wealth in the US even more than it's concentrated already.

    There's an old joke about a guy who comes to a car dealership and tells the salesman he wants the most economical car they have. He doesn't want frills and features, he wants something really economical. The salesman shows him this tiny little car that looks like a shoebox on baby-stroller wheels. The guy shoehorns himself into this tiny car and it has no radio or heater or air conditioning, it's really just a box with a motor. He says 'Yeah, this is just what I was looking for. How much is this car?' The salesman, without flickering an eyelash, says '$60,000'. They guy says '$60,000? I could buy a Mercedes for that!' The salesman says: "Well, if you want economy, you have to pay for it!"

    That's what's going on with our economy. The Republicans are saying 'Well, if you want -prosperity-, you will have to be poorer.' 95% of Americans must face a steady decline in their standard of living so the top 1% can double their wealth and their share of ownership every few years. That is the Republican idea of prosperity. The top 1% now owns >40% of the wealth in the US. The Republicans would like to see it more like 80-90%.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    They are like a old and long gone friend I use to have. He took some money I had. Gave me a IOU. for it. Spent the money. And I still have the IOU. for it.

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