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starleo51 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Can US of A handle austerity?

America is nearing the point where the interest on the debt alone will soon exceed Federal Government tax revenues to pay it. That is when the fertilizer will hit the proverbial ventilator and America becomes like a puff of smoke on the world stage.

3 Answers

  • mcaeru
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I think America is losing its place in the world hierarchy. They've been making bad, short-sighted decisions and having strange priorities for quite some time now. There seems to be more interest in power games and squabbling within the country than maintaining the US place in the world. The short-term interests of major corporations and the military-industrial complex have set policy, rather than the good of the country, the people and the world.

  • No, it cannot. Politicians will not be able to deal with such a thing because if they tried it they'd all be out of a job (which they will be anyway, but later on down the road).

    Source(s): . Gork
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