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RE: The quote "It is what it is." Who said this and what precisely does it mean?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    It means what it means

  • 10 years ago

    These are tee shirt sayings I felt it might be relevant.

    It is what it is. Original Salty Shirt.

    Some advice from Dr. Chil: Don't over-think it, Put it in a box or catigorize it. Set it, and yourself free. It is what it is. It ain't no more and it ain't no less.

    Love, It is what it is.

    Love Rules, Lovers Drool, sometimes all over themselves and each other,eww. quick put on a clean shirt. Love: It is what it is. Get Salty

    Road Rage, Just say no.

    Road Rage, not a pretty sight, slower traffic move to the right.

    Help keep our Highways a safe place to speed!

    They need to teach this stuff in school? can you spell Autobahn Kids?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I believe, if memory serves me correctly, the minimalist sculptor Carl Andre coined that term. It means that there is no grey area, or no inbetween. Wow, this is harder than I though to explain. A situation arises and there is really no way to change it. It just is what it is.

  • 10 years ago

    It is a quote from Erich Fried's Was est is.

    Fried is reminding us that Love is too big a thing to be talked about.

    Was es ist

    Es ist Unsinn

    sagt die Vernunft

    Es ist was es ist

    sagt die Liebe

    Es ist Unglück

    sagt die Berechnung

    Es ist nichts als Schmerz

    sagt die Angst

    Es ist aussichtslos

    sagt die Einsicht

    Es ist was es ist

    sagt die Liebe

    Es ist lächerlich

    sagt der Stolz

    Es ist leichtsinning

    sagt die Vorsicht

    Es ist unmöglich

    sagt die Erfahrung

    Es ist was es ist

    sagt die Liebe

    What it is

    It is nonsense

    says reason

    It is what it is

    says love

    It is misfortune

    says calculation

    It is nothing but pain

    says fear

    It is hopeless

    says insight

    It is what it is

    says love

    It is ridiculous

    says pride

    It is careless

    says caution

    It is impossible

    says experience

    It is what it is

    says love

    Translation by M. Kaldenbach

  • 5 years ago

    That's a good question, I was wondering the same thing myself

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Many people say this not just one! It means that what you see is what it is! That also means nothing mythical is real!

  • 10 years ago

    Thats a really good question. It sounds mysterious lol

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Whoever said it said it.

    It means what it means.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It means they are unchanged by criticism.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It means it is what it is.

    Source(s): Common sense.
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