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Lv 7

How long does it usuallytake to get rid of a clogged duct? Also is there any reason to go to a doctor for it?

I've had a clogged duct for going on 4 days now. I called my doctor and the nurse said to put heat on it and massage it, so I've been doing that but it hasn't gone away yet. How long does it usually take to go away, and is there anything my doctor could do for me or should I just keep doing the heat/massage thing?

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I am not sure if you need to go to the doctor unless you get mastitis or however that is spelt. What I did when I was getting one is I would use heat on it and massage it before during and after he nursed, I would take a lot of showers for the warmth and put soap on a wide toothed comb and gently pull the plug down with it toward the nipple. I expressed and tried to help it out after he would stop nursing or nursed on the other side. I think that's all, mine was gone in like two days. If felt sore after it was gone kind of like a bruise but it didn't feel like there was s plug still in there. Good luck!!

  • 5 years ago

    You cannot get "rid" of anger. you ought to be trained to allow it out in a healthful but valuable approach. Find whatever that may comfort you, like sporting activities or tune or studying. you ought to paintings tough and it does not come with no trouble. The first step for you is to be trained the right way to MANAGE this anger ( ex: anger leadership categories...) you then ought to begin considering approaches to support you preclude this anger.

  • 10 years ago

    hop in the shower n have the water running directly on your boob n massage. Works a treat

  • KitKat
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    continue to encourage babe to feed on the affected breast, wear bras that fit well, try pumping, and call your lactation consultant.

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