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8 Answers
- ?Lv 49 years agoFavourite answer
Condoleezza Rice
Because she's a bonafide genius with experience and thus would make a fine president should she be forced into the role, and be able to handle the duties of the VP well if not.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
to procure a great style of nutsy solutions here. Rubio isn't experienced or smart and the Indian guy isn't very sharp the two. He wont get somebody who's conservative because of the fact he will lose too many Indie and anti-Obama blue canine Dem votes, so it fairly is going to likely be somebody like him yet working classification. Obama picked Biden because of the fact he exchange into working classification and a Washington expert while Obama exchange into greater liberal and cultured and new to Washington. Al Gore picked Lieberman to counteract his being liberal, as Lieberman is conservative Dem yet I hate Lieberman and didnt vote for that reason. to %. somebody to enhance you is a mistake. Al Gore and Clinton did no longer see eye to eye the two yet they appeared greater acceptable jointly on television.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Has governing experience, is a female, is Hispanic, and that acts as a counterbalance to Barack's diversity/race card. Plus she has way more experience than Obama, and really high favorability ratings.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I suggest Sarah Palin. She and Mitt are both neocons as much as Obama. That would keep Palin in the news and help her get the Republican nomination for president in 2016.
Source(s): - 9 years ago
Lets see someone who is totally out of touch with the average american....yes Sarah...would be perfect.
Obama 2012
- Freddie VincentLv 49 years ago
RAND PAUL of KENTUCKY smart,articulate,young,aggresive,and good for independants,southern states,and tea party supporters= votes!
- 9 years ago
I think it should be Obama, because they're one and the same anyway.
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