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Differential Equation Help Please!?
Solve the separable differential equation for
Use the following initial condition:u(0)=-13 . u=?
Please Help
2 Answers
- ted sLv 79 years agoFavourite answer
you certainly can do the work.....e^( - 6 u ) du = e^( 2 t ) dt , integrate , side condition to find C
- RapidfireLv 79 years ago
Find the general solution by separating the variables then integrating:
du / dt = â®^(6u + 2t)
du / dt = â®^(6u)â®^(2t)
du / â®^(6u) = â®^(2t) dt
â®^(-6u) du = â®^(2t) dt
â« â®^(-6u) du = â« â®^(2t) dt
-â®^(-6u) / 6 = â®^(2t) / 2 + C
â®^(-6u) = C - 3â®^(2t)
-6u = ln[C - 3â®^(2t)]
u = -ln[C - 3â®^(2t)] / 6
Find the particular solution by solving for the constant:
When t = 0, u = -13
-ln(C - 3) / 6 = -13
ln(C - 3) = 78
C - 3 = â®⁷⁸
C = 3 + â®⁷⁸
u = -ln[3 + â®⁷⁸ - 3â®^(2t)] / 6