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Taylor Series- Quick Math Help?
Taylor Series- Quick Math Help?
Find T4(x): the Taylor polynomial of degree 4 of the function f(x)=arctan(8x) at a=0.
(You need to enter a function.) T4(x)=?
2 Answers
- cakesmckakesLv 49 years agoFavourite answer
Start with the geometric series for 1/(1-x)
1/(1-x)=sum(x^n) n=0 to oo
If I replace x with "-x^2"
After integration with respect to x, we get:
arctan(x)+C=sum([(-1)^n*x^(2n+1)]/(2n+1)) n=0 to oo
Setting x=0, we find that C=0. For the 4th degree Taylor polynomial, we need the first 2 terms.
The 4th degree Taylor polynomial is actually 3rd degree. This is due to the fact that arctan(x) is an odd function. It shouldn't be too hard to replace x with "8x" and simplify
- lucyLv 44 years ago
i ought to anticipate your hassle arises from calculating the derivatives that produce the words contained in the series. Why not use a finite large difference code to approximate the words? It gained't take a lot attempt because you're already using a computer, and then you mustn't want to remedy them analytically.