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driving test manuevers?

I've got my test on Monday and i'm now panicking. does anyone know how many maneuvers i'll be asked to do?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Don't be panic. always try to avoid the stress and nervousness.

    In your DSA practical test, you will then be examined on your general driving and on two reversing exercises. The reversing exercises will be chosen from:

    - reversing around a corner

    - turning in the road

    - reverse parking

    You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop exercise.

    Throughout the test you should drive in the way your instructor has taught you. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it, it might be a less serious driving fault and may not affect your result. The examiner will be looking for an overall safe standard of driving.

    You can make up to 15 driving faults and still pass the test (16 or more results in failure). However, if you commit one serious or dangerous fault you will fail the test. If at any time your examiner considers you to be a danger to other road users your test will be stopped.

  • 9 years ago

    2 manoeveres.

    The Manoeuvres that you might get are:

    Turn in the road (formally 3 point turn)

    Bay parking exercise (to the left or right)

    Parallel parking or reverse parking exercise

    Reverse round a corner (left or right)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You will have to do one manoeuvre (reverse round a corner / 3 point turn / parallel park).

    You may also have to do an emergency stop. That's it though x

    Source(s): Experience
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