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Do you think the St. Louis Cardinals can win the second play-off spot?
Those Dodgers seem to have an easier schedule at this point but 3 1/2 games seems like a lot to make up at this point. Your thoughts?
7 Answers
- 100% SteelLv 79 years agoFavourite answer
Yes, they will be able to maintain their lead over Milwaukee and Los Angeles.
- ?Lv 69 years ago
Nope, Dodgers are about to go on a 6winning streak and the Cardinals have lost Molina and are going up against the Nats and Reds i see a 7x losing streak coming
- ErichLv 79 years ago
They're 3.5 games up, so obviously they can win it, and it's likely that they do.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Yeah they could win it.