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What do you think of this trade?
10 team keeper roto.
Team A gets
Edwin Encarnacion
Rafael Betancourt
Team B gets
Coco Crisp (off DL today)
Mike Minor
Is it fair? Who wins?
3 Answers
- boredLv 68 years agoFavourite answer
Team A! Edwin Encarnacion is way better than Coco Crisp and isn't even as close to injured prone.
- ?Lv 78 years ago
LOL!! Team A is winning this trade and I don't even think it's that close. Encarnacion is good for 35+ home runs and 100+ RBI's. He alone is why Team A wins this trade. Betancourt is icing on the cake.
- FarOutsideLv 78 years ago
Since players from different positions are being traded, it is what you haven't said that matters. How good are the replacements for the spots being eliminated, and how bad are the players that the replacements are replacing.