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sochii asked in HealthDental · 8 years ago

Help im33weeks pregnant & crave toothpaste?

why is this happening to me. im preegnant with my second child & i have been craving toothpaste iva actually found myself eating it at times. i also crave chewing gum i been swallowing it too.. how bad is this for my baby? && PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Please stop now. The fluoride in the toothpaste is NOT MEANT to be eaten and can cause problems with bone development and toxic issues to the baby. Call your doctor and discuss Pica syndrome and see if they recommend a mild antidepressant that is fetal compatible. The gum is not that big of deal, but the rubber base is also not meant to be consumed every day. Your doctor needs to know this and be honest for the sake of the baby if they have to monitor or test for any toxicity problems at the birth. Please do that today..

    Source(s): 30 years in Dentistry
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Calcium is in toothpaste - try to find alternative sources of calcium eg cheese and greek yoghurt. Chewing gum can stick in your intestines causing problems - stop with the gum!

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