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Are Fernandez and Fielder worth stashing in a keeper league?
I lost two of my big guns with Fernandez and Prince for the year. Are they worth keeping around? It Is an 8-team rotisserie league with 7 keepers. I also have Zobrist and Zimmerman on the DL and I only have 2 DL spots. What do you think?
4 Answers
- CandyLv 77 years agoFavourite answer
I am sure someone would take 1,or 2 of your injured players in a trade.Do NOT dump them..
Look at opponents with open DL slots,and cook up an offer for a healthy player if you can not stand carrying 4 injured players.
You probably should try to get higher ranked keepers by including a healthy & injured player for 1 higher ranked player.
- 7 years ago
Fernandez for sure, fielder you should try and trade he's been meh the past few seasons so I think it's best to cut ties