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how do you embed a player in an iframe so that a parent frame containing multiple links will use that one player?

i.e. webpage > iframe of links > player in iframe

So far I can create all this, but the files called are opening a standalone media player instead, I've tried with id= name= target= and have reasoned that it is because there's a file extension, that just a path & file name should be provided....

...any pointers?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Tested with IE, FF, Opera, Chrome.

    <iframe name="show" height="400" width="600"




    <a target="show" href=" of Day</a>


    <a target="show" href="">ask</a%3E

  • 6 years ago

    I got there with the answer given, so I've awarded it best - the results however were achieved specifically using this code: links in containing frame:


    <p><a href="file1.html" target="player"><button title="1">I</button></a>

    <p><a href="file2.html" target="player"><button title="2">II</button></a>

    <p><a href="file3.html" target="player"><button title="3">III</button></a>

    <p><a href="file4.html" target="player"><button title="4">IV</button></a>

    <p><a href="file5.html" target="player"><button title="5">V</button></a>

    <p><a href="file6.html" target="player"><button title="6">VI</button></a>

    <p><a href="file7.html" target="player"><button title="7">VII</button></a>


    <iframe id="player" frameborder="0" width="800px" height="600px" src="player.html" name="player" scrolling="no"></iframe>

    iframe target:


    <embed player id="player" width="100%" height="100%" src="about:blank">


    media file in html page:


    <embed player src="file1.mpg"></embed>

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