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? asked in Cars & TransportationMotorcycles · 4 years ago

Looking for a bulb for a QingqiRS450 Qm50QT-6A?


It never came with a bulb whatsoever.. Its a Chinese scooter and its the lights in the front closer to the ground.. The previous owner said according to DOT, they arent good enough to be regular headlights thats why there is no lights there.. But im looking power them up with regular headlight and I need bulb size to get it working. I tried looking in the manual and the manual isnt detailed enough to tell me squat!!

2 Answers

  • Joe
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Is there even wiring for them? What type of socket is there?

    Detective work is needed here, and we can't do that long distance.

  • Tim D
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Seems like a good swap.

    I expect they will be generic, take as many measurements of the fitting as you can get and wander through the local motorcycle parts shop.

    If you are going to convert them to headlights you will probably need a replacement fitting for an HID bulb.

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