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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Shopping · 2 years ago

Did this store give me the wrong bra size after being measured?

I went into a Victorias Secret and they mesured me for my bra size. They said i am a 36C. I been wearing a 36B for years. So when I buy some 36 C bras from other stores they are tight and feel like they punch me. However the 36B bras are more comfortable and i can breath better in them.

Why would they give me a different size if Its too tight but my original size is more comfortable?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Get the band size by fastening the bra with the cups behind You should be able to insert two fingers under the band with minimal difficulty but not significantly lift the band. Hooks should be fastened on their loosest setting, to allow the bra to be tightened as it ages.

    Once you have an appropriately comfortable band in this style, choose the cup size which feels most comfortable in that band size. If there is none, it may be that the spacing of the cups or their shape is unsuitable.

    Repeat the process in a different style, if required until you find something which fits comfortably and looks correctly fitted (a smooth silhouette, without gaping or pinching into four).

    A band which is too large, and cups too small is a common fault according to polled data and measuring services. Not helped by a paucity of styles in combinations of small band and large cup scales.

    A C cup on a 34 should be the same volume approximately as a B cup on a 36, if they are from the same style and manufacturer. They can vary substantially from different manufacturers and between styles though.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    A C should not feel tighter than a B, since C cups are larger than B cups.

    However, buy whatever works for you. Don't bother with fitters, just try on a few sizes in the store. Bras made by different manufacturers (and in different materials) will fit differently, so you always need to try them on. Once you've got a bra on, put your clothes back on over it, to make sure it works for you in terms of appearance as well as comfort.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    I think you mean 'pinch', not 'punch'.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Post a picture.

    Ultimately, you are the customer and it's your money, if you prefer another size that is your decision.

  • Maria
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    Sizes are just to give you a general idea.

    The right bra size is the one that feels comfortable. That’s why you should try them on. Sizes vary slightly depending on manufacturer and style.

  • 2 years ago

    That doesn’t really add up since C cup is bigger than B cups. Maybe it was the type of bra style you got.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Not possible. C is bigger than B.

  • Carson
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    All companies measure differently. That's why many women stick with certain brands.

    I don't understand how a 'C' cup is tighter than a 'B' cup with the same chest measurement of 36.

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