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???? asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Shopping · 2 years ago

Faulty item 30 days?

If I Bought an item on the 12th June can I get a refund on the 12th July? Does the 30 days start after the 12th June?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You will find out when you return it

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Look at the time on the receipt. If you bought it at 11:59, you can get a refund till 11:59. If the tickets are still attached.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    the periodstarts from the time you paid for it or took delivery of it

  • If it's faulty, you are entitled to a full refund from the person or business who sold it to you. Trying to impose a 30 day limit is ineffective. If the expected life cycle of the goods is 30 days, there might be a point. If you should reasonably expect the goods to remain fault free for more than 30 days, you can sue.

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