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Rape conceived pregnancy help?

My nieces parents are forcing her to keep her tape conceived baby. The parents are real religious but the daughter is not. She is only 16 and can not get an abortion on her choice. The daughter really does not want anything to do with it. What’s worse is the rapist was black and that makes my niece not want it even more. I suggested adoption to her parents but they said no that they are Christian and it is God’s will for their daughter to have the baby. The daughter doesn’t give two shits about their religion. Is there anything she can do? Thanks

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    @cogito even if the abortion is too expensive?

  • Cogito
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    It depends where she lives, but in most countries if she speaks to the counsellors at the police department where she reported the rape, they'll help her do what SHE wants.

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