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I got into a accident, it wasnt my fault, i was injured but had no auto insurance, can i still go after the insurance company?

I got into a accident, it wasnt my fault, i was injured but had no auto insurance, can i still go after the insurance company?

What can i do?

7 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    If you go after the insurance company, you'll lose - they didn't hit you.  

    You have to sue the owner of the vehicle, and the driver of the vehicle, in court, and get a judgement.   Keep in mind, in a "no pay no play" state like Louisiana, if you don't have insurance, you can't sue the other guy. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    This is WHY you hire an INJURY LAWYER.  Otherwise you will find the insurance company is EVAL cause they just don't hand out much money...because they are not like a Lottery win.

  • lucy
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    In (most) states, even if you had no insurance and (if) you are truly not at fault, then insurance will pay for the car repairs and most likely a settlement for your injuries. 

    BUT, in some states, like CA where Hunch lives, they have a no pay/no play laws, which means they pay for car and medical bills only, but won't pay an injury settlement which would include pain/suffering.  The key is that you can't benefit if you did not have insurance of your own.  

    So it depends where you live and the laws of your state. 

    Source(s): retired auto adjuster
  • 1 year ago

    It depends on where it happened. You can in some states but not others.

  • May
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    USA answer:

    Of course you may. Your vehicle doesn't have to be insured in order to collect from another's insurance.

    If you are truly not at fault You do not have to "sue" either as someone here suggested.  Simply file the claim against the other person.  He will then most likely turn your claim over to his insurance company.

    Answerer "A Hunch" here doesn't know what he is talking about.  His answer is mostly nonsense

    Where do people get these notions?

    BUT.......Get some damn insurance or quit driving.....!

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    You'd have to sue either the other driver, their insurance company or both.

  • 1 year ago

    In depends on what state you are in.

    If you are without insurance, most states will allow you to file a claim and get your car repaired and cover your medical bills.  However, you are not allowed to get any extras like "pain and suffering."

    - this process is called "no pay, no play".

    You will also likely get a ticket for failure to have insurance.  This will result in you needing SR-22 insurance. 

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