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Early in our relationship I had asked him about a girl name Christine who always snapchatted him. He said it was nothing to worry. So I didn't. Until I saw their txt and figured out she was a tinder match that he lied to me about and whom would occasionally hit him up. We had a big fight, he blocked her on snap and phone number. Last night she requested to follow him on Instagram and he accepted and followed back. I got really upset because clearly I don't want this person around as a threat and it seems like a careless act. He has blocked her there to and apologized all night. Am I overreacting or is this BS like I think it is?

3 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    So you meet some guy, are getting to know him and think you're in a relationship right off the bat? This was your first mistake.

    If you meet someone and start seeing them, it doesn't mean you're "in a relationship"... you're dating, and it's a time to figure out whether they are good enough to be a potential partner.

    Don't be all available to men right off the bat. If they like you, they will continue to contact you. If it's only about sex, they will move on. it takes time to figure this out.

    I have been seeing the same guy for eight years. I'm STILL not always available when he wants to get together - i have other things to do, even if it's cleaning out my sock drawer.

    Females are way too eager to please a guy, when it ought to be the other way around. And women/girls out there don't even give a guy a chance to miss her. They just start arguments and expect the guy to be there for her constantly.

    If you're unavailable sometimes, you're going to find out which guy is into you, and which guy is just out there looking to put another notch on his bedpost.

  • 1 year ago

    Run for the hills.

  • 1 year ago

    Its BS just like you think.  Why are you still with him?  He's a cheater and a liar.  There are much better men out there.  Don't settle for this.

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