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? asked in TravelVietnamOther - Vietnam · 1 year ago

Covid-19 virus?

Is the Covid-19 virus more dangerous than a heart attack? why everyone is very afraid, while reportedly there is a cure for the virus

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    Yes, it is. Covid-19 is a terrible virus that is WAY worse than a heart attack. You can survive one heart attack. But not this virus. It lives in your body forever. There's no cure. Only a vaccine.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 months ago

    Covid19 is less dangerous than a crosswalk.

  • 12 months ago

    There may be a medicine that can treat the virus. It is more dangerous if you're in the vulnerable age range.

  • pmt853
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    A heart attack will be much more dangerous than copvid 19 for most of us. There is no cure for the virus, and vaccine seems likely to be 15-24 months away.

  • 1 year ago

    There's no medical cure - and any vaccine is going to be 12 months off at this stage.

    It is highly infectious and is likely to kill around 2% of those who catch it (generally old / medically vulnerable).

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    How do they compare? If you get a heart-attack and nobody helps in the first 6 minutes, you are dead.

    If you get sick from covid-19, you have more than 95% chance of surviving it.

    I'm not sure what "cure" you are referring to.

    What we are "afraid" of is not so much the virus itself as it's capability to infect a whole lot of people in a rather short time. How will we be doing groceries when most shop-personnel and truckdrivers are too sick to work?

    Who will tend to sick people when most nurses are sick?

  • 1 year ago

    Because it has the potential to swamp the healthcare systems. The UK has changed their stance of keeping things open and allowing gatherings today with the release of a study that estimated 250000 deaths there and over 1000000 in the US if that approach is followed. 

  • 1 year ago

    i not sure, maybe 

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