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Codeine affects - is this normal? ?

I’ve been having severe pain running down from the side of my right leg all the way down to my foot, so I took 3 codeine tablets in one go this morning at around 5:30am, I woke up at around 9pm this is evening feel very drowsy and confused. I don’t know why I slept for so long. Is this a normal side effect? 

5 Answers

  • Edna
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    Feeling drowsy and confused is a typical side effect of codeine for many people. You took 3 codeine tablets. There are a lot of people who can't take even ONE codeine tablet without feeling drowsy and confused. My sister is one of them. If she takes any medication that contains codeine in the morning, she feels drowsy (and sometimes sick at her stomach) for the rest of the day.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    That is way too much codeine. If your pain is THAT bad call your doctor for at least a phone appointment. 

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    An opioid (codeine) overdose and dehydration from not eating and drinking all day will make you sleep all day and wake up feeling drowsy and confused. Is the codeine prescribed to you or was it over the counter paracetamol and codeine? Over the counter tablets contain 500mg paracetamol per tablet and 3 of those is also a paracetamol overdose and if you do that often enough your liver will fail. Only ever take medication prescribed to you, do not take other people's prescription medication as it's both dangerous and illegal. Take over the counter medications exactly as directed on the packaging, it's not there for decoration. Check to see if you took any extra tablets when you were under the influence of the codeine, I've done it and almost died.

  • 11 months ago


    1st you never mentioned the Mg of your scrip(15-60mg)

    When you took 3 of the tabs this was too much for your system to handle so it went into sleep mode,,,,, since the medication causes drowsiness...…. sleepiness,,,,,,,

    its also sedated you makes weak------------------- then this caused decreased awareness or responsiveness.....

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    3 is far too much. The max is 2 at a time. No wonder you are tired.

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